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Making the web I realized the little photographic material  that there is from that time. 

At this time when everything is excessively recorded, it is surprising how few photos we took of ourselves, even though there were excellent photographers in the newsrooms.

Going through old slides, this one appeared]: the one on the original cover of the first issue of Zaff.

Hard to imagine the advent of Photoshop in those years. Despite the clever covers, the simplest solution was a good photograph or illustration...

But the first issue of Zaff!! it deserved a different cover.

That's how we went to my house and Jorge began to work frantically with the clay and to give it a touch of realism we bought two glass eyes.

Placing them was the final touch after which I would take the photo.

Delicately, Jorge put the droplet to hit it, and jokingly put his eye on his... with the droplet!!!

What I don't remember is how he was able to take it off, but I do remember that we panicked.

Seeing the photo I imagine I can finally take it off.

And this was the cover of the first issue of

"the magazine of the time that did not arrive".


A sad office in the Once neighborhood. Almost creepy. Jorge's third adventure took place in this environment (Mordisco and the Imaginary Express were the first). Memories of the first cover made by hand in my house in Newbery. There was no Photoshop and it was one made with putty. Playing around, when putting it together, Jorge had no better idea than to put on his glass eye with poxipol covering his... In any case, taking it off was easier than doing Zaff!! The magazine of the time that did not arrive. And the call of the title was absolutely true. The time for that magazine had not arrived.

But like all Pistocchi magazines it was made with a lot of love (and stubbornness) despite all the setbacks.

The included audio is a recommended program by Los Subterraneos, a program of Fm Universidad de La Plata on April 29, 2017 hosted by Sebastián Benedetti, Alfonso "Ponchi" Fernández and Nicolás Arias where this story is told. To be continue...

the glued eye


          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_    Haciendo la web me dí cuenta el poco material    _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_    photographic from that time._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_          En estos momentos en que todo queda          _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  registered in excess surprises the few photos that

we took off, and that in the newsrooms there were excellent photographers.

Going through old slides, this one appeared]: the one on the original cover of the first issue of Zaff.

Hard to imagine the advent of Photoshop in those years. Despite the clever covers, the simplest solution was a good photograph or illustration...

But the first issue of Zaff!! it deserved a different cover.

That's how we went to my house and Jorge began to work frantically with the clay and to give it a touch of realism we bought two glass eyes.

Placing them was the final touch after which I would take the photo.

Delicately, Jorge put the droplet to hit it, and jokingly put his eye on his... with the droplet!!!

What I don't remember is how he was able to take it off, but I do remember that we panicked.

Seeing the photo I imagine I can finally take it off.

And this was the cover of the first issue of "the magazine

of the time that did not arrive".

anecdota zaff


revistas zaff

Click on the cover to view or download

Zaff en Subterraneos-FM Universidad
00:00 / 53:56

The beginning of the end


The situation was getting more tense every day.
Zaff's Publisher! Apart from publishing a successful Golf magazine, he launched -when the situation allowed- urgent leaflets full of blood events.
Sensationalism at its finest.
When John Lennon was killed he saw another opportunity to put out another emergency number for urgent sales.
He was not going to carry the name of Zaff! but he couldn't convince Jorge to do it, to whom the whole situation seemed immoral.
From then on, the "editorial" took away all our support. We didn't even have a diagrammer anymore to do the last issue, yes, it had John on the cover.
I remember having to lay out the magazine without any knowledge of it, after which we left that cave, never to return.

Ralph Rothschild, Raul B.Ichi and Augusto Mandó - Public road

y ahora.jpg

Last page of the last issue

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