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    Tres historias distintas... Orejas al Universo, un programa de música que cuenta historias; Jorge Pistocchi, fundador del Expreso Imaginario y Pan Caliente; y Gogabolsón, un proyecto que... Jorge Pistocchi fue uno de los soñadores que concretó muchos proyectos que valen la pena conocer (Mordisco, Expreso Imaginario, Zaff, Pan Caliente) a la vez que una vida que vale la pena conocer. clic aquí clic aquí Hola! Bienvenidas y bienvenidos y bienvenides Aquí unificamos el programa radial Orejas al Universo, la web de Pistocchi y Gogabolson clic aquí orejas al universo un programa de música para contar historias Gogabolsón es un proyecto que se detuvo hace 10 años, pero nunca se pierden las esperanzas de que se concrete.

  • convenio goga | Orejas al Universo

    gogabolson Jorge Pistocchi Ears to the Universe THE TEMPLE OF ART El Bolson - Rio Negro - Argentina GOGA RADIO DISCS PHOTOS MEDIA SPECIFIC AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF RIO NEGRO, THE SECRETARIAT OF CULTURE OF THE PRESIDENCY OF THE NATION AND THE GOGA CULTURAL PROJECT Among the SECRETARY OF CULTURE of the PRESIDENCY OF THE NATION, hereinafter "THE SECRETARY", with address at Avenida Alvear 1690, represented by Mr. Secretary of Culture of the Nation Mr. Jorge Edmundo Coscia, on the one hand, THE UNIVERSITY NACIONAL DE RIO NEGRO, hereinafter "THE UNIVERSITY", with address at Calle Colón 450 office 1, Viedma, Rio Negro, represented by the Rector Juan Carlos Bello and THE GOGA CULTURAL PROJECT, hereinafter "GOGA PROJECT", with address at Calle Subida Juan de Marquéz and Ruta Naciona No. 40, El Bolsón, Río Negro, represented by the owner of the brand "Proyecto Cultural Goga", Mr. Raúl Julio Rothschild, agree to enter into this specific agreement, in accordance with the Framework Agreement signed between THE SECRETARY AND THE UNIVERSITY, on October 8, 2013.----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- FIRST: OBJECT: Within the framework of this Specific Agreement THE SECRETARY AND THE UNIVERSITY agree to join forces in order to provide financial assistance and technical assistance for the completion of the "Auditorium" belonging to the GOGA PROJECT, space regional multidisciplinary culture and with provincial and federal scope.---------------------------------------- -------- SECOND: OF THE WORK: THE SECRETARY agrees to fully finance the completion work of the "Auditorium" of the GOGA PROJECT. THE UNIVERSITY, for the purposes of carrying out the work, undertakes within a period of sixty (60) days from this Agreement, to submit to THE SECRETARY the Computation and final Budget of the work to be carried out, the Specifications Sheet Complementary Techniques and Plans, necessary elements for the realization of the Bid Document corresponding to the completion stage of the aforementioned work. Once the work has been awarded in accordance with the rigorous bidding procedure, THE SECRETARIAT undertakes to transfer the amount resulting from the award of the public tender carried out, plus any price redeterminations that may correspond, within the terms established by the investment schedule to THE UNIVERSITY .------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- THIRD: METHOD OF PAYMENT: Once the architectural project of THE UNIVERSITY has been approved, the investment schedule must be developed in stages that will be incorporated into the present through Minutes that must be approved by the Secretary of Culture of the Nation for its transfer.-- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------- FOURTH: DUTY OF COLLABORATION: THE GOGA PROJECT undertakes to: a) Submit at the request of THE SECRETARY and/or THE UNIVERSITY all information related to the project that is required, as well as receive inspections, exhibit places or things and provide the widest collaboration for the follow-up of its development. b) Leave expressly established in all instruments of public communication -press releases, catalogs, videos, etc.- the participation of THE SECRETARY and THE UNIVERSITY in the culmination of the Auditorium work of the "GOGA PROJECT".----- FIFTH: OWNERSHIP, USE AND/OR USUFRUIT OF THE AUDITORIUM: The parties agree that the execution of this Specific Agreement will be conditional on the signing of a complementary Act between THE UNIVERSITY and Mrs. Viviana Ducasa, in her capacity as attorney for the owners of the property object of the Agreement, which will be incorporated as an Annex and that will refer to everything related to the ownership, use and / usufruct of the "Auditorium" object of the Agreement, detailing rights and obligations of each of the parties, from the culmination of the work This agreement is subject to the fulfillment of the obligation assumed by Mrs. Ducasa for a period of up to ninety (90) days.----------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ SIXTH: COORDINATION OF ACTIONS: In order to supervise the execution of this specific agreement and to guide and coordinate the activities derived from the application of this Agreement, Dr. María Elena TRONCOSO is designated as coordinator by "THE SECRETARY", National Director of Federal Action of the Ministry of Culture of the Presidency of the Argentine Nation.-------------------------------- --- SEVENTH: TERM OF THE AGREEMENT: This agreement will take effect from the signing of this document and will be valid for two years------------------------- ------------------------------- EIGHTH: DISPUTES: The parties enter into this agreement in good faith and with a spirit of collaboration and will do everything in their power to resolve through conciliation or mediation all disputes that may arise in relation to its interpretation, extension or renegotiation. If the disagreement persists and for all the purposes of this agreement, the parties submit to the jurisdiction of the National Courts in the competent Federal Administrative Litigation of the City of Buenos Aires---------- In proof of conformity, (3) copies of the same tenor and to a single effect are signed, each party receiving its own, in the City of Buenos Aires, on the eighth day of October 2013-------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- COMMITMENT TO ASSIGN AN INDIVIDUAL PART IN CONDOMINIUM In the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, on December 23, 2013, between Mrs. Viviana Pilar DUCASA, DNI N”13,655,608 for herself and on behalf of her children Florencia ROTHSCHILD, DNI N° 32,783,570 and Paul ROTHSCHILD, DNI No. 31,008,751, all with address at Calle Humahuaca No. 4155, in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, hereinafter called "THE ASSIGNOR" and the National University of Río Negro, represented by the Rector Juan Carlos Del Bello domiciled at Calle Colón 450, office 1, Viedma, Río Negro, who accredits identity with DNI No. 8,431,234, hereinafter referred to as "THE ASSIGNEE", accrediting the parties the representation invoked with the pertinent powers, it is agreed to celebrate the present COMMITMENT TO ASSIGN AN INDIVIDUAL PART IN CONDOMINIUM. BACKGROUND: This contract is a consequence of the Framework Agreement signed between the Ministry of Culture of the Presidency of the Nation and the National University of Río Negro dated October 8, 2013; and the Specific Agreement between the National University of Río Negro, the Ministry of Culture of the Presidency of the Nation and the GOGA Cultural Project. By this last Agreement, the SECRETARY and the UNIVERSITY agreed to join efforts in order to provide financial and technical assistance for the completion of the "Auditorium" belonging to the GOGA PROJECT. The SECRETARIAT promised to fully finance the completion work of the "Auditorium" of the GOGA PROJECT, and the UNIVERSITY, for the purposes of carrying out the work, committed within sixty (60) days from the date of the agreement (October 8, 2013) to submit to the SECRETARIAT the Computation and Final Budget of the work to be carried out, the Technical Specifications Sheet and Complementary Plans, necessary for the completion of the Bid Sheet corresponding to the completion stage of the aforementioned work . That after awarding the work in accordance with the rigorous bidding procedure, the SECRETARY undertook to transfer the amount resulting from the public bidding carried out, with the price redeterminations that may correspond, within the terms established by the investment schedule of the UNIVERSITY. That once the architectural project of the UNIVERSITY has been approved, the investment schedule must be developed in stages that will be incorporated into the Specific Agreement through Acts that must be approved by the Secretary of Culture of the Nation for its transfer. That the GOGA PROJECT agrees to the duty of collaboration regarding the requirements of the SECRETARY and/or the UNIVERSITY. And, in particular, the parties agreed that the execution of the Specific Agreement would be conditional on the signing of a Complementary Act between the UNIVERSITY and Mrs. Viviana Pilar DUCASA, by itself and in its capacity as proxy for the owners of the property object of the Agreement, which will be incorporated as an Annex and which refers to everything concerning the ownership, use and/or usufruct of the "Auditorium object of the Agreement”, detailing the rights and obligations of each of the parties and the completion of the work, subjecting the Specific Agreement to the realization of the obligation assumed by Mrs. Viviana Pilar DUCASA for a period of up to ninety (90) days. That by virtue of the background information, and especially the fulfillment of the obligation assumed by Mrs. Viviana Pilar DUCASA, this ASSIGNMENT COMMITMENT OF AN INDIVIDED CONDOMINIUM PARTY is signed, subject to the following clauses: FIRST: The ASSIGNOR undertakes to assign to the ASSIGNEE one third (1/3) undivided of the property it owns over the property located on Subida Juan de Marquéz street and National Route No. 40, El Bolsón, Province of Río Negro, in condominium with her children Florencia ROTHSCHILD, and Pablo ROTHSCHILD, which will be calculated proportionally to each of the undivided parties, leaving two thirds (2/3) of the property under the ownership of the ASSIGNOR. SECOND: The ASSIGNEE increases the obligation to complete the work of the "Auditorium" belonging to the GOGA PROJECT. This obligation in charge of the ASSIGNEE is conditioned to the effective entry of funds from the Ministry of Culture of the Presidency of the Nation, which is responsible for the full financing of the work, including expenses for taxes, fees, legal stamps and deed costs, in full accordance with the provisions of the SECOND and THIRD clauses of the SPECIFIC AGREEMENT signed on 10/8/13 between the University of Río Negro, the Ministry of Culture of the Presidency of the Nation and the GOGA Cultural Project. THIRD: The ASSIGNOR will facilitate entry to the property and authorize the necessary works to complete the project in accordance with the previous clause, granting free access to what is already built for the purpose of its completion. FOURTH: The transfer deed of ownership will be granted within thirty (30) business days of having been granted the certificate de "End of Work", by the technical inspection that the ASSIGNEE determines and with the total agreement of the ASSIGNOR. FIFTH: If for any circumstance beyond the ASSIGNEE the work is not completed in its entirety, the transfer deed of ownership will be granted for a percentage equivalent to the proportion of the money effectively disbursed up to the time the work is halted. SIXTH: In the event that the ASSIGNEE does not comply with whoever is the winner of the Public Tender that will be carried out for the completion of the work, it is established that the ASSIGNEE will have nothing to claim from the ASSIGNOR party and will not be able to enforce rights of retention on the work or goods that are in the property. SEVENTH: The ASSIGNOR may not dispose of the property that is the subject of this Agreement during the term of this Agreement without the prior authorization of the ASSIGNEE. If the sale is authorized, the ASSIGNEE will have a privileged purchase option EIGHTH: In view of the characteristics and modalities of the Framework and Specific Agreements and complementary Acts, which serve as Background, and which hereby form a single body, the parties expressly agree that compliance with this commitment is totally subordinated to effective compliance. and opportune of all the obligations assumed by the UNIVERSITY and the SECRETARIAT OF CULTURE OF THE NATION. NINTH: The ASSIGNOR makes this assignment with perfect titles, free of all encumbrances and occupants, with taxes and fees paid up to the day of the execution of the deed, also guaranteeing the ASSIGNEE for eviction and sanitation of the asset object of the ASSIGNMENT. TENTH: In response to the modality and characteristics of compliance with the obligations expressed in the Agreements mentioned in the Background with respect to all parties, a CONTROL AND MONITORING COMMITTEE is formed, made up of four members, two representing the ASSIGNOR and two in representation of the ASSIGNEE, who will be in charge of the control and monitoring of the Fulfillment of the obligations assumed by the parties. On the ASSIGNOR party, Dr. Carlos Alberto TOFFOLI, DNI No. 17,080,004 and Dr. Alberto José AZUBEL, DNI No. 4,406,125, both domiciled at Calle Tucumán 1567. 8th floor "45", are appointed. CABA. The Dñdor is designated by the ASSIGNEE. Hernán Gustavo ANDRADE, DNI No. 23,234,277 and Dr. Jorge César Pío PAOLINELLI, DNI No. 11,492,910, both residing at Calle Miter 630, San Carlos de Bariloche, Province of Río Negro (Vice Rectorate Andean Headquarters UNRN) Through this Commission, the parties undertake to analyze the possibility of establishing a company for the exploitation of the common property. ELEVENTH: The parties, through their representatives in the CONTROL AND MONITORING COMMISSION, undertake to agree on a first Regulation for the use of the property and its various spaces, as well as the details that are necessary for the normal operation of the facilities. It is established that said first Regulation must respect the following basic criteria; a) Equitable distribution of the use of the Auditorium; b) Shared operation of the establishment's bar; c) Shared obligation of everything related to the conservation, care and safety of the facilities; d) Mutual respect for the modality of organization of activities of each party according to their specific objectives. Subsequently, after the transfer, the parties agree to agree on a Regulation of co-ownership. TWELFTH: For the first Regulation of use, the ASSIGNOR accepts the non-onerous use by the ASSIGNEE of the Auditorium for the study of subjects that require projections outside the room's business hours, for the programming of internal film cycles for students and teachers, for the INCCA Room functions of a subject where the students participate in all the activities related to the cinematographic exhibition, for Audiovisual Festivals organized by the UNRN and, eventually, for the installation of a TV studio and its equipment. THIRTEENTH: The amount of the tax stamp of this contract will be borne by the contracting parties in equal parts. FOURTEENTH: For the purposes of any judicial or extrajudicial matter inherent to the fulfillment of this assignment commitment, the jurisdiction of the Federal Court based in Viedma is established, excluding any other jurisdiction, for which the following legal domiciles are established: the ASSIGNOR Tucumán 1567, 8th floor "45" CABA and the ASSIGNEE at Belgrano 526, Viedma, Province of Río Negro (Rector's Office of the UNRN) In proof of conformity, two copies of the same tenor and for a single purpose will be signed, in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, on December 23, 2013.

  • Novedades 2015 | Orejas al Universo

    A fines de marzo del 2015 salía el primer programa de novedades musicales de "Orejas al Universo", fruto del interés del Sr. Orejas de no quedarse en el pasado y adentrarse en un universo mas actual y que día a día se expande.  El Sr. Orejas es consciente que a medida que uno crece es cada vez mas difícil aceptar lo nuevo pero es parte de su "lucha" no quedarse en lo conocido y seguir buscando. Siempre. 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 January to March Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Hot Snakes - Jose Gonzalez - PJ Harvey - MGMT The Fratellis - Albert Hammond Jr. - Screaming Females - Jona-than Wilson - David Byrne - Jimi Hendrix - Caroline Rose - Calexico - The Decemberists - Beth Had & Joe Bonamas-sa - Dead Meadow - Jack White - Ocean Alley - Sue Foley - Stone Temple Pilots - US Girls - Neil Young - Franz Ferdinand - The Decemberists A Perfect Circle, Spear Of Destiny, The Damned, Donovan Woods, Danny Bryant, Black Stone Cherry, Triptides, Ganser, Jamie Lynn Vessels, Ben Harper And Charlie Musselwhite, The Voidz, Green Seagull, Island, Stone Sour, Sting & Shaggy, MIEN, Melvins, Van Morrison & Joey DeFrancesco, Pennywise, Eels, Okkervil River, Thirty Seconds to Mars, Manic Street Preachers, Brothers Osborne and Band of Horses April Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 May Gaz Coombes, Beginning, Ill, Iceage, DeWolff, Family of the Year, Out by Nine, Daniel Blumberg, Hit Bargain, Peals, Tents, Ament, Arctic Monkeys, Las Rosas, Samara Lubelski, Courtney Barnett, Gazpacho, Five Finger Death Punch , The Magic Numbers, Wax Chattels, Wussy, High Sunn, Wooden Shjips, The Brian Jonestown Massacre, Snow Patrol, Deeper, Reef, The Rhett Yocom Blues Band, Smile Empty Soul, Lunatic Soul, Xavier Rudd, Obach Obacht Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 5 (extra) 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 4 Rise against - The Jesus And Mary - Chain - The Goo Goo Dolls - Secondhand Serenade - The Verve Pipe - Little Hurricane - The Homesick - The Brian Jonestown Massacre - North Mississippi Allstars - Gilligan Smiles - Natalia Lafourcade - Miss Bolivia - Gustavo Santaolalla - Sufjan Stevens - The Blue - Airplanes - Dope Lemon - Balance and Composure - The Quartet of Nos - The Chaos Theory - Carolyn Wonderland – Tamikrest - Las Rosas - Moby & The Void Pacific Choir - Fairport Convention – Ozomatli - Frightened Rabbit - Toothless 5 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Judah & The Lion - Kite Base - The Shins - Miraculous Mule - The Flaming Lips – Headstones - The Wood Brothers - Juliana Hatfield - Sleepy Sun - Bad Gial - Queen of the Stone Age - Black Angels The Sadies - Cowbell - Mumford and Sons - Tonolec - Delbert McClinton - John Martyn - Mark Lanegan - Geoff Gibbons Soccer , Paddy and the Rats , Animal Collective , tinariwen , Taj Mahal & Keb' Mo' , Ian Anderson , real estate , Joshua James , The Cranberries , Anna Calvi , The Chainsmokers , Summer Moon , Watermelon Slim , space patrol , Ethereal Perfume , new love , unkle , Farmers! , iron and wine , point it to me , buika , Kevin Morby 6 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Cowbell, Ron Gallo, 311, Post War Glamor Girls, The Builders and the Butchers, The Mountain Goats, MISSIO, The National, Half Japanese, Hawkwind, The Stevenson Ranch Davidians, Meatbodies, Ride, Alice Cooper, The Verve Pipe, The War on Drugs, Cold War Kids, Skipinnish, The Kills, Gov't Mule, Lorde, Lindsey Buckingham & Christine McVie 7 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Delbert McClinton - The Afghan Whigs - James Elkington - Tim Cohen - The Strypes - Uriyah & The Psychedelics – Cast – Hollerado - Jason Loewenstein - Geoff Gibbons - Carolyn Wonderland - Cable Ties - The Routes - Menace Beach - Psymon Spine – Incubus - Modern English - American Opera - Sigmund Fried – Styx - Dead Letter Circus - Trevor Sensor - Big Hogg - This Is The Kit - Coldplay 8 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Robert Plant - Amy 0- First in Space - The Fall The Fresh and Onlys - Daughter - Bomba Estereo The War on Drugs - The Dream Syndicate -Brand New - Whitehorse - Savoy Brown - Beck Tori Amos - Queens of Stone Age - Oh Sees Richard Thompson - The Creeps - LCD Soundsystem Gogol Bordello - Greg Allman - Steven Wilson 9 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Gang Of Youth - Filthy Friends - Emma Russack - Flamin Groovies - Deerhof - U2 - Bjork - The Accidentals - Nadine Shah - Motorpsycho - Cat Stevens - Tera Melos - Living Color - The Cadillac Three - The The - Courtney Barnett & Kurt Vile - Billy Corgan - Tribalists - Our Lady Peace - The Surfing Magazines - Neil Young - Joan Osborne - Baby In Vain 10 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Fink - Bruce Cockburn - Avenged Sevenfold - Mars Overdrive - Chris Thomas King - Wolf Parade - The Corrs - Pond - Luna Pale Sees - Gizmodrome - Foo Fighters - Dan Holt - LA Witch - Marilyn Manson - Van Morrison - Manchester Orchestra - Torres - Kadavar - Ringo Starr - Donkey Pilots eleven Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 A Perfect Circle, Spear Of Destiny, The Damned, Donovan Woods, Danny Bryant, Black Stone Cherry, Triptides, Ganser, Jamie Lynn Vessels, Ben Harper And Charlie Musselwhite, The Voidz, Green Seagull, Island, Stone Sour, Sting & Shaggy, MIEN, Melvins, Van Morrison & Joey DeFrancesco, Pennywise, Eels, Okkervil River, Thirty Seconds to Mars, Manic Street Preachers, Brothers Osborne and Band of Horses April Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Garbage - Emily Salient — KT Tunstall — Princess Nokia Death of Lovers - Valentina Cooke — Jim's Journey Paranoid Mice — Sarah Walk —Sufjan Stevens Ten Years After - Stereophonics — Eminem — Recwall Blitzen Trapper Popa Chubby — Mann Chao El Estrellero — Litto Nebbia y Pez — Bersuit Vergarabat Chico Buarque — Franz Ferdinand 13 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04

  • Pipo Lernoud | Orejas al Universo

    Miniserie de 6 capítulos de Pipo Lernoud, nombre artístico de Alberto Raúl Lernoud1​ (5 de noviembre de 1946), es un poeta, compositor, periodista y precursor de la agricultura ecológica u orgánica en Argentina. Considerado uno de los fundadores del rock nacional argentino. Autor de canciones muy conocidas como «Ayer nomás» (junto con Moris) y «La princesa dorada». Fue fundador y director de revistas de rock como El Expreso Imaginario y Canta Rock, entre otras. mate en el campo mate en el campo 1/60

  • Orejas al Universo

    Orejas al Universo, un programa de música que cuenta historias. Más de 200 podcasts de música, historias, personajes, sociedad para escuchar y descargar. Ancla 1 All the programs Cycle 2021 sorted alphabetically 1 Navidad con el Sr. Orejas 00:00 / 01:04 2 Navidad con el Sr. Orejas 00:00 / 01:04 3 Navidad con el Sr. Orejas 00:00 / 01:04 4 Navidad con el Sr. Orejas 00:00 / 01:04 December 2021 Located in New York, the Chelsea Hotel is not just any hotel. Other musicians passed through there Among the best known who passed through Chelsea Keith Richards , Patti Smith , virgil thomson , Dee Dee Ramone de The Ramones , Henri Chopin , John Cale , Edith Piaf , Joni Mitchell , Bob Dylan (wrote on this hotel Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands dedicated to Sarah Dylan ), Janis Joplin , Jimi Hendrix , sid vicious (who killed his partner there), Leonard Cohen , Anthony Kiedis , Bob Marley , and many songs were dedicated to Chelsea. There Arthur Clarke wrote 2001, Mark Twain, Bucovski and many more. Andy Warhol. The list is endless 1 Chelsea Hotel 00:00 / 01:04 2 Chelsea Hotel 00:00 / 01:04 3 Chelsea Hotel 00:00 / 01:04 4 Chelsea Hotel 00:00 / 01:04 December 2021 1 Cocaina 00:00 / 01:04 2 Cocaina 00:00 / 01:04 3 Cocaina 00:00 / 01:04 4 Cocaina 00:00 / 01:04 December 2021 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Last program of the year of the International Record News of the year 2021 in its sixth consecutive year on . And selecting only one song from many albums -which is not necessarily the broadcast- we are accompanied by Courtney Barnett, Damon Albarn, Dave Gahan, Deep Purple, Deerhoof, Elbow, Electric Eye, Eric Clapton, Joe Bonamassa, Kills Birds, Richard Ashcroft, Robert Plant, Rod Stewart, Sting, The Black Veils and The War On Drugs November 2021 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Can you imagine a world without police? It's hard to think about it. I would say even risky. The problem is the way they behave, the victims they choose: PICKETERS, ROCKERS, BLACKS, POOR, MARIJUANERS, are their favorite catch. In this program, rock sings to the police... and not in very good terms. We are joined by: Arbol, Claudio Gabis, Cypress Hill, Dead Kennedys, HER, Happy Mondays, León Gieco, Los Abuelos de la Nada, Los Piojos, Los Twist, NWA, Northern Faces, Once Tiros, Paulina La Popi, Quinteto Negro La Boca , Radiohead, Paranoid Mice, Redonditos de Ricota and Urban Resistance November 2021 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 A tour of the West Coast in the 60s with Jefferson Airplane, Hot Tuna, Sly and the family Stone, Santana, Spirit, Doobie Brothers, Janis Joplin, Grateful Dead, Love, Electric Prunes, Three Dog Night, Steppenwolf, The Beach Boys, Mamas & the Papas, The Byrds, Country Joe & The Fish, The United States of America, Buffalo Springfield, CSN & The Doors November 2021 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Many musicians pass through Mr. Orejas' Library, choose a book and sing to it. THE LORD OF THE RINGS (JRR Tolkien): Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and Joni Mitchell. THE BIBLE: Vox Dei MARTIN FIERRO (José Hernández): Juana Molina 1984 (George Orwell): David Bowie, Ricotta Roundups, Radiohead, Dead Kennedy and Anti-Flag ALICE IN WONDERLAND (Lewis Carroll): The Great Society, Aerosmith, Seru Girán Y The Beatles LOLITA (Vladimir Nabokov): Billy Bond and The Police THE TELL-TELL HEART (Edgar Allan Poe): Soda Stereo THE ILIAD (Homer): Cream and Suzanne Vega THE OPEN VEINS OF LATIN AMERICA (Eduardo Galeano): Los Fabulos Cadillacs INSOMNIA (Jorge Luis Borges): Pedro Aznar THE GRAPES OF WRATH (John Steinbeck): Bruce Spingsteen November 2021 1 Alcoholicos no tan anónimos 00:00 / 01:04 2 Alcoholicos no tan anónimos 00:00 / 01:04 3 Alcoholicos no tan anónimos 00:00 / 01:04 4 Alcoholicos no tan anónimos 00:00 / 01:04 October 2021 Listen in moderation. This is the music that refers to alcohol with Amy Winehouse, Carlos Gardel, Cuca, Divididos, Guns N Roses, Janis Joplin, Joe Bonamassa, Manos Fillipi, Mike Laure, Mägo de Oz, Muddy Waters, Pappo, Ronnie Wood, Roque Narvaja , The Doors, The National, The Paul Butterfield Blues Band, The Who and Wishbone Ash Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 November 2021 more monthly news Ancla 2 1 Sexoh! 00:00 / 01:04 2 Sexoh! 00:00 / 01:04 3 Sexoh! 00:00 / 01:04 4 Sexoh! 00:00 / 01:04 In this program the musicians sing to sex. We warn because it may affect the sensitivity of some people. Do not say that we did not warn. They warm you up Aguaturbia, Grindhouse, Hakuna Tanaka, James Brown, Juliana Hatfield, Kraftwerk, Led Zeppelin, Lito Vitale/Pedro Aznar. Los Prisioneros, Luis Alberto Spinetta, Martín Buscaglia, Pescado Rabioso, Peter Gabriel, PJ Harvey, Prince, Rammstein, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Santana, Ska-P, Soda Stereo, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and Yoko Ono click to see uncensored October 2021 more society Cycle 2021 1 Estrellas 00:00 / 01:04 2 Estrellas 00:00 / 01:04 3 Estrellas 00:00 / 01:04 4 Estrellas 00:00 / 01:04 A Broken Silence - Bunbury - Charly Garcia - David Bowie - Dead Can Dance - Grateful Dead - Gustavo "Principe" Pena - Hole - Los 7 Delfines - Manal - Matthew Sweet - Soda Stereo - Spinetta - Sumo - The Beatles - The Cure - The Mission - They Might Be Giants October 2021 more nature 1 Nubes 00:00 / 01:04 2 Nubes 00:00 / 01:04 3 Nubes 00:00 / 01:04 4 Nubes 00:00 / 01:04 Human Color - David Lebon - Drive-By Truckers - Explota Elizabetta - Gabo Ferro - Jefferson Airplane - Joni Mitchell - La Portuaria - Las Pelotas - Leon Gieco - Los 7 Delfines - Los Gatos Mauro Figliuolo - Nito Mestre - Pedro Aznar - Phish - Skay Beilinson - The Rolling Stones Vox Dei - The Incredible String Band - The Rolling Stones - Vox Dei October 2021 more nature 1 Orejas Show - 2021 00:00 / 01:04 2 Orejas Show - 2021 00:00 / 01:04 3 Orejas Show - 2021 00:00 / 01:04 4 Orejas Show - 2021 00:00 / 01:04 After a long time, the Orejas Show, the recital program, returns. alt-J - Death Cab for Cutie - Eric Clapton & Friends - Janis Joplin - Jimi Hendrix - Kurt Vile & The Violators - King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Los Lobos_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b participate -136bad5cf58d_ - Metallica - Mark Knopfler - Neil Young - Nirvana - Pearl Jam - Robert Plant - Roger Waters - The Chameleons September 2021 more recitals 1 Cielo 00:00 / 01:04 2 Cielo 00:00 / 01:04 3 Cielo 00:00 / 01:04 4 Cielo 00:00 / 01:04 Billy Bond and La Pesada del Rock & Roll, Charly Garcia, Pedro Aznar, Chris Cornell, Coldplay, Divididos, El Cuarteto de Nos, Gustavo Cerati, Jorge Drexler, Kate Bush, La Barra de Chocolate, La Cofradía de la Flor Solar, La Roca, Lou Reed, Norman Greenbaum, Outlaws, Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota, Phish, Skay Beilinson, The Beatles, The Jimi Hendrix Experience, The Kinks September 2021 more nature 1 Tiny Desk 00:00 / 01:04 2 Tiny Desk 00:00 / 01:04 3 Tiny Desk 00:00 / 01:04 4 Tiny Desk 00:00 / 01:04 Mr. Orejas visits NPR, National Public Radio in Washington to enjoy Alt-j - Ani DiFranco - Bob Weir And Wolf Bros - Bomba Estereo - Café Tacvba - Coldplay - Courtney Barnett - Daughter - Death Cab For Cutie - Jackson Browne - Jorge Drexler - Juana Molina - Liz Phair - Sting & Shirazee - Suzanne Vega - Tash Sultana - The Black Crowes - The Lumineers - Trey Anastasio - Weezer - Yusuf Cat Stevens _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Setiembre 2021 more earscasts Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 September 2021 more monthly news 1 La Despedida 00:00 / 01:04 2 La Despedida 00:00 / 01:04 3 La Despedida 00:00 / 01:04 4 La Despedida 00:00 / 01:04 It is not that Mr. Orejas is saying goodbye but that at Orejas al Universo we talk about goodbyes. Lionel Messi, Atomic Rooster, Bill Haley, Cypress Hill, Everly Brothers, Fito Páez, Franz Ferdinand, Gustavo Cerati, Jaime Roos, Joan Baez, Joe Bonamassa, Leonard Cohen, Manu Chao, Mavi Díaz, Paul Simon, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, The Doors, Toto La Momposina and his Drums and Charlie Watts _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Setiembre 2021 more similar programs 1 Cartas 00:00 / 01:04 2 Cartas 00:00 / 01:04 3 Cartas 00:00 / 01:04 4 Cartas 00:00 / 01:04 August 2021 click to enlarge more similar programs cycle 2021 1 Cambio Climático 00:00 / 01:04 2 Cambio Climático 00:00 / 01:04 3 Cambio Climático 00:00 / 01:04 4 Cambio Climático 00:00 / 01:04 August 2021 more nature 1 Crónicas Musicales de la Pandemia 00:00 / 01:04 2 Crónicas Musicales de la Pandemia 00:00 / 01:04 3 Crónicas Musicales de la Pandemia 00:00 / 01:04 4 Crónicas Musicales de la Pandemia 00:00 / 01:04 August 2021 more earscasts 1 Miguel Cantilo 00:00 / 01:04 2 Miguel Cantilo 00:00 / 01:04 3 Miguel Cantilo 00:00 / 01:04 4 Miguel Cantilo 00:00 / 01:04 August 2021 more characters 1 Bombas 00:00 / 01:04 2 Bombas 00:00 / 01:04 3 Bombas 00:00 / 01:04 4 Bombas 00:00 / 01:04 click to enlarge more similar programs 1 Los Días de la Semana 00:00 / 01:04 2 Los Días de la Semana 00:00 / 01:04 3 Los Días de la Semana 00:00 / 01:04 4 Los Días de la Semana 00:00 / 01:04 more nature Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 12 - more monthly news 17 - Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 more monthly news 1 Volar 00:00 / 01:04 2 Volar 00:00 / 01:04 3 Volar 00:00 / 01:04 4 Volar 00:00 / 01:04 1/24 Very young and naive at the age of 18, Mr. Orejas traveled to the United States. New York was the first stop. Winter. On January 24, 1969, I had tickets to see Blood, Sweat & Tears in Manhattan. He lived in the suburbs, Flushing to be exact, and that day one of the biggest snowfalls in history had fallen. But big, big. Then he walked to the train station since there were no bondis or buses in English. After the icy and slippery journey he arrived at a theater called Fillmore. The recital begins and the band that I was going to see was preceded by a group that I had not heard of and that was debuting in the United States. A skinny, tall, gangly flutist was jumping from one end of the stage to the other. He looked closely at the program and said Jethro Tull who would become one of Mr. Ears' favorites. Awesome! Then the main band came and it was good but... Despite the snowfall, Mr. Orejas came back floating wrapped in the music he had discovered. Two months later he was in San Francisco. And in San Francisco there was the Fillmore West. Here there were no seats like en Long-haired men on the floor passed a cigarette at that time unknown to the naive Mr. Ears. And onstage a flood of music spilled out through the strange-smelling smoke. It was Spirit, a great band and then, wow, Ten Years After… The Englishman Alvin Lee & Co. It's a serious thing. Blues, rock, infinite energy. The Fillmores were the temples of rock from coast to coast. They didn't last long. Enough so that the main representatives of that generation could germinate in a friendly and powerful space. NY. 1 Fillmore East 00:00 / 01:04 2 Fillmore East 00:00 / 01:04 3 Fillmore East 00:00 / 01:04 4 Fillmore East 00:00 / 01:04 1 Fillmore West 00:00 / 01:04 2 Fillmore West 00:00 / 01:04 3 Fillmore West 00:00 / 01:04 4 Fillmore West 00:00 / 01:04 1/6 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 12 - 17 - Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 1 Martin Scorsese 00:00 / 01:04 2 Martin Scorsese 00:00 / 01:04 3 Martin Scorsese 00:00 / 01:04 4 Martin Scorsese 00:00 / 01:04 5 Martin Scorsese 00:00 / 01:04 6 Martin Scorsese 00:00 / 01:04 7 Martin Scorsese 00:00 / 01:04 8 Martin Scorsese 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 17 - 1 Saborido 00:00 / 01:04 2 Saborido 00:00 / 01:04 3 Saborido 00:00 / 01:04 4 Saborido 00:00 / 01:04 1 Beatles Covers 00:00 / 01:04 2 Beatles Covers 00:00 / 01:04 3 Beatles Covers 00:00 / 01:04 4 Beatles Covers 00:00 / 01:04 Did you know that there was a fifth beatle and he was Argentine? click here 24 - Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 1 Lalo Mir 00:00 / 01:04 2 Lalo Mir 00:00 / 01:04 3 Lalo Mir 00:00 / 01:04 4 Lalo Mir 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 98 - up

  • Jorge Pistocchi | La Web de Ralph

    Jorge Pistocchi, su vida, su obra. Fue el creador de las revistas Mordisco, Expreso Imaginario, Zaff! y Pan Caliente. Sus frases, los artículos que se publicaron acerca de sus revistas y la colección completa de muchas de ellas. To the readers Resume Youth Photo Pipo Miguel Grandpa Spinetta Peter Count Cosmic Center lavalol the baggin Mouth not everything is roses Phrases Videos Miguel Grinberg gogabolson Jorge Pistocchi Ears to the Universe MEDIA HOT BREAD zaff EXPRESS NIBBLE HAIR JORGE Start My name is Ralph Rothschild (the one with curly hair and today bald). Friend (and at times not so much) of Jorge and I was editor-in-chief of the supplement Mordisco del Expreso and Zaff y Pan Caliente in its first stage. The writings that do not have a signature can be awarded to me. You are therefore invited to start this journey... The man who couldn't stop dreaming “Jorge Pistocchi was a Quixote, an adelantado who always clung to what he believed to be fair,” says editor and journalist Ralph Rothschild about the founder and director of one of the most legendary cultural magazines in Argentine history: Expreso Imaginario. A milestone by all accounts that, with a genuinely free and critical spirit, not only knew how to portray the rock counterculture revolution in the midst of a fierce dictatorship: “Much of what is talked about today, to which no one was referring back then , we already said it, with notes on ecology and care of the planet, on native peoples”, exemplifies Rothschild. And he soon highlights that “spending those difficult years in the Express was like being able to breathe, even though they put us in jail all the time. Notice that, by editorial decision, we were the only publication that did not write about the 78 World Cup…”. In the Express, creativity and idealism came together from strokes carved by key names such as Pipo Lernoud, Horacio Fontova, Alfredo Rosso, Claudio Kleiman, among many others. Including Rothschild himself, who was editor-in-chief, a role he would later occupy in other outstanding Pistocchi initiatives: the Zaff!! magazines. and Hot Bread. Without forgetting, of course, Mordisco, who took to the streets in mid-'74 after Jorge set up the newsroom in his house, in a small loft. “Today we start the march towards a station called impossible. Getting there can become dangerous, but we trust that the contents of our luggage will protect us", he wrote in his first editorial as director of a magazine where music dialogued with poetry, painting, philosophy... Well, "to honor this person who has influenced many”, who died in 2015, Ralph just released , a website that he himself has made from start to finish with the hand of a goldsmith, "so that his legacy is not lost, it lasts over time". In fact, with a simple click, you can access "practically all the magazines that Jorge did", digitized, in optimal quality. Also learn about his story, decidedly quixotic: his friendship with Miguel Abuelo and Luis Alberto Spinetta, his vital role as patron of Almendra. His experience as a columnist for Pelo, the ethical reasons why he ends up moving away from the Express. The community experience of the Cosmic Center that he set up in the 80s in La Paternal, in addition to his work in the Amat cooperative, in Monte Grande, a factory that Menemism destroyed, recovered by its workers in the second half of the 90s, "where Jorge organized orchards, production, endless things”. Because, as summarized by Ralph, formerly editor of La Mano, “Pistocchi couldn't stop dreaming”. Using extracts from interviews, unpublished photographs, stories of various kinds, the site traces the life of this peerless man. Calling, by the way, for readers to send material, anecdotes, clips, images. Because, as Rothschild notes, "via email you can send files to add to this website that, like Jorge, never has to stop...". So be it. Radar Supplement - Page 12 - December 20, 2020 to readers - resume Many of the photos that make up this website were taken by Gabi Peralta that he sent in February 2023 is from Jorge in La Boca. Thank you!

  • Remeras México

    Mirá el catálogo gogabolson Jorge Pistocchi Ears to the Universe Christmas is coming!!! GET CONNECTED 1/18 $6,000.- 1/8 $8,000.- Deliveries in CABA from December 23, 2022. Orders are accepted until December 20 (It is coordinated by WhatsApp)

  • Goga Bolsón

    Un sueño enorme de un Centro Cultural en El Bolsón que quedó a medio camino. El edificio sigue allí, el arte no. gogabolson Jorge Pistocchi Ears to the Universe GOGA RADIO DISCS PHOTOS MEDIA THE TEMPLE OF ART El Bolson - Rio Negro - Argentina Goga ( ) luego de 10 años de esperanza ha entrado en venta. Lo que fue un sueño de centro cultural puede -en manos de otra persona/institución- en un cine-teatro, supermercado, shopping. Fin de una etapa de mi vida, que continúa con nuevos sueños Mas información: clic aquí what happened to goga? The cost of the work exceeded more than 2.5 times what was budgeted, which is why the money was not enough for its completion. In December 2013 I was invited to Buenos Aires to sign the agreement by which the Ministry of Culture and the National University of Río Negro committed to ending the construction of Goga. Seen in the distance I came for the photo. Despite all the subsequent attempts, Culture did not give answers and little by little I got tired of calling uselessly. The signatories did not fulfill the commitment. Goga was vandalized and today it is a dream that turned into a nightmare. There have been many promises and they are documented. Not just the convention; but radio promises and videos. A pity that the Shire cannot count on the Goga cinema-theater... That a Secretariat (now Ministry) does not comply with the agreement, demonstrating that culture is not always a smile. 1/11 that was going to be Goga You can follow the construction and activities of Goga from 2010 to 2013... go to photos ESTADO ACTUAL Durante su construcción se utilizó el espacio exterior ya que el escenario mira tanto al exterior como al interior. 1/11 media What did the media say about Goga... go to media vandalism After the closure of the construction there were acts of vandalism consisting of robberies,... Keep reading the project This is the folder that was presented in the different organizations with the presentation of the Goga project. 1/35 Discharge goga records You can listen to or download records by musicians from the region and others from the country. Go to Goga Discs radio goga - fm 103.5 On December 21, 2010, Radio Goga FM 103.5 went on the air. With more than 16 hours a day, de its own programming counted on the efforts of the artists from El Bolsón. Part of the programs (those that were uploaded to Dropbox have been deleted) can be heard in streaming. The radio stopped broadcasting in 2014. Go to Radio Goga... ears to the universe Ears to the Universe was a program that was broadcast on Radio Goga and is currently broadcast on 8 stations in the interior and is in its eighth season and can also be heard by clicking here. declarations of interest Goga was declared of interest municipal , provincial ynational . What does declare interest mean? See statements, click here Agreement with the Ministry of Culture Towards the end of 2013, an agreement was signed between Goga, the then Secretary of Culture of the Nation and the University of Río Negro whereby the construction of Goga was to be completed. This is the text of it: COMMITMENT TO ASSIGN AN INDIVIDUAL PART IN CONDOMINIUM In the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, on December 23, 2013, between Mr. Raul Rothschild hereinafter called "THE ASSIGNOR" and the National University of Río Negro, represented by the Rector Juan Carlos Del Bello. .. Read more... 3D views

  • Historia y Sociedad | Orejas al Universo

    Society Aborto Legal Alcoholicos Banda de Mujeres Alcoholicos Cocaína Una Historia Gay Demasiado Joven Para Morir El Coronavirus y la Paja Embarazadas Hermanos La Década del 50 La Década del 60 La Década del 70 Las Malas Palabras LSD Marihuana Mapuches Mujeres y la Música Plagio Redes Sociales Rock y Policía Sexo Rusia 2018 Violencia de Género History 2001 Alfonsín Cámpora Perón Carlos Menem Militancia Rock y Dictadura Carlos Menem

  • Radio | Orejas al Universo


  • NATURALEZA | La Web de Ralph

    Nubes, estrellas, gatos, perros, cambio climático, el sol, la luna, el viento, las 4 estaciones... en podcast donde se habla de la naturaleza a traves de la música. inicio 1 Estrellas 00:00 / 01:04 2 Estrellas 00:00 / 01:04 3 Estrellas 00:00 / 01:04 4 Estrellas 00:00 / 01:04 A Broken Silence - Bunbury - Charly Garcia - David Bowie - Dead Can Dance - Grateful Dead - Gustavo "Principe" Pena - Hole - Los 7 Delfines - Manal - Matthew Sweet - Soda Stereo - Spinetta - Sumo - The Beatles - The Cure - The Mission - They Might Be Giants October 2021 Estrellas 1 Nubes 00:00 / 01:04 2 Nubes 00:00 / 01:04 3 Nubes 00:00 / 01:04 4 Nubes 00:00 / 01:04 Human Color - David Lebon - Drive-By Truckers - Explota Elizabetta - Gabo Ferro - Jefferson Airplane - Joni Mitchell - La Portuaria - Las Pelotas - Leon Gieco - Los 7 Delfines - Los Gatos Mauro Figliuolo - Nito Mestre - Pedro Aznar - Phish - Skay Beilinson - The Rolling Stones Vox Dei - The Incredible String Band - The Rolling Stones - Vox Dei October 2021 Nubes Cielo 1 Cielo 00:00 / 01:04 2 Cielo 00:00 / 01:04 3 Cielo 00:00 / 01:04 4 Cielo 00:00 / 01:04 Billy Bond and La Pesada del Rock & Roll, Charly Garcia, Pedro Aznar, Chris Cornell, Coldplay, Divididos, El Cuarteto de Nos, Gustavo Cerati, Jorge Drexler, Kate Bush, La Barra de Chocolate, La Cofradía de la Flor Solar, La Roca, Lou Reed, Norman Greenbaum, Outlaws, Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota, Phish, Skay Beilinson, The Beatles, The Jimi Hendrix Experience, The Kinks September 2021 Año 8 - Programa 31 Setiembre 2022 00:00 / 01:04 Descargar Cambio Cambio Climático 00:00 / 01:04 more on this topic en click on the image Descargar August 2021 Agua 1 Agua 00:00 / 01:04 2 Agua 00:00 / 01:04 3 Agua 00:00 / 01:04 4 Agua 00:00 / 01:04 March 2018 animales 1 Animales 00:00 / 01:04 2 Animales 00:00 / 01:04 3 Animales 00:00 / 01:04 4 Animales 00:00 / 01:04 July 2015 arboles 1 Árboles 00:00 / 01:04 2 Árboles 00:00 / 01:04 3 Árboles 00:00 / 01:04 4 Árboles 00:00 / 01:04 January 2016 Bandas 1 Bandas de Animales 00:00 / 01:04 2 Bandas de Animales 00:00 / 01:04 3 Bandas de Animales 00:00 / 01:04 4 Bandas de Animales 00:00 / 01:04 May 2019 viento el sol 1 Viento 00:00 / 01:04 2 Viento 00:00 / 01:04 3 Viento 00:00 / 01:04 4 Viento 00:00 / 01:04 August 2015 1 El Sol 00:00 / 01:04 2 El Sol 00:00 / 01:04 3 El Sol 00:00 / 01:04 4 El Sol 00:00 / 01:04 November 2020 1 El Sol 00:00 / 01:04 2 El Sol 00:00 / 01:04 3 El Sol 00:00 / 01:04 4 El Sol 00:00 / 01:04 November 2020 Fuego 1 Fuego 00:00 / 01:04 2 Fuego 00:00 / 01:04 3 Fuego 00:00 / 01:04 4 Fuego 00:00 / 01:04 August 2019 gatos 1 Gatos 00:00 / 01:04 2 Gatos 00:00 / 01:04 3 Gatos 00:00 / 01:04 4 Gatos 00:00 / 01:04 January 2020 Las 4 estaciones 1 Invierno 00:00 / 01:04 2 Invierno 00:00 / 01:04 3 Invierno 00:00 / 01:04 4 Invierno 00:00 / 01:04 5 Invierno - Extra Web 00:00 / 01:04 June 2019 Invierno Primavera 1 Primavera 00:00 / 01:04 October 2018 2 Primavera 00:00 / 01:04 3 Primavera 00:00 / 01:04 4 Primavera 00:00 / 01:04 Verano 1 Verano 00:00 / 01:04 2 Verano 00:00 / 01:04 3 Verano 00:00 / 01:04 4 Verano 00:00 / 01:04 January 2019 otono 1 Otoño 00:00 / 01:04 2 Otoño 00:00 / 01:04 3 Otoño 00:00 / 01:04 4 Otoño 00:00 / 01:04 April 2020 Luna 1 Un Viaje a la Luna 00:00 / 01:04 2 Un Viaje a la Luna 00:00 / 01:04 3 Un Viaje a la Luna 00:00 / 01:04 4 Un Viaje a la Luna 00:00 / 01:04 March 2020 dias semana 1 Los Días de la Semana 00:00 / 01:04 2 Los Días de la Semana 00:00 / 01:04 3 Los Días de la Semana 00:00 / 01:04 4 Los Días de la Semana 00:00 / 01:04 July 2021 mar El Mar 00:00 / 01:04 November 2019 Descargar Perros 1 Perros del Sur 00:00 / 01:04 2 Perros del Sur 00:00 / 01:04 3 Perros del Norte 00:00 / 01:04 4 Perros del Norte 00:00 / 01:04 April 2020 1 Lluvia 00:00 / 01:04 2 Lluvia 00:00 / 01:04 3 Lluvia 00:00 / 01:04 4 Lluvia 00:00 / 01:04 May 2020 lluvia amarill 1 Amarillo 00:00 / 01:04 2 Amarillo 00:00 / 01:04 3 Amarillo 00:00 / 01:04 4 Amarillo 00:00 / 01:04 April 2016

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