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Miguel Abuelo

From that moment one of the kids began to frequent our table. He was small, skinny, very electric. When I asked him if he was a rock musician, he told me no, that he was a poet and folklorist. He displayed pure street spark, we were hooked right away, I loved his sense of humor and the lucidity of his observations. As I grew more confident, I was surprised to hear the stories of the hard days of his childhood in an orphanage or his days as a boxer in a villa. I wanted to be an actor, a musician, a writer, all at the same time. At that time I knew him only by his first name Miguel. It was only a few years later that I found out that it was the incomparable genius of Miguel Ángel Peralta, better known as Miguel Abuelo.

Miguel Abuelo

In 1981, Miguel returns to Argentina.

These recordings are the result of an evening blast in the neighborhood of Belgrano, Jorge Newbery and Cabildo with a microphone and a cassette recorder.

All the lack of technology is here overcome by the angel of Michael. The voices heard in the background are those of Jorge and Ralph.

Accompanying this recording of 11 songs are 4 demos that Los Abuelos de la Nada made at that time and that served as their entrance to what would be an emblematic group of the eighties. The cover photo was taken by Hernán Roibon, and was the cover of the first issue of Pan Caliente

One day Jorge shows up at home. When he smiles, he shows me, to my surprise, a set of teeth. "?" I ask him. "Miguel gave it to me..."




Thanks Louis!

For giving us back the voice of the prophets

and transform suicide bombers into warriors.

What would have become of this terrible city

without your poetry that won the street,

and ran through all its corners,

from prisons to asylums?

Do crocodiles cry?

What grimace will the comedians make?

The pack howls, yahoo!!! yahoo!!!

And sometimes they nipped at your heels,

but it is part of the war without quarter

that we free the defenseless armies.

What politician encloses in a speech

a single stanza of your themes?

See you forever!

 Jorge Pistocchi

"Miguelito made me listen to the recording of Almendra's first LP before it went on sale, I made him repeat it a lot of times because I couldn't believe that such a group existed in Argentina.  A few days later he introduced them to me and I met the rest of the group, Edelmiro, Emilio and Rodolfo. He would not have been more than nineteen at that time, but I assure you that I never had a more impressive personality in front of me than his, he had something extraterrestrial (and I always had my doubts that it wasn't). And just as Miguel opened the doors to a new world for me, Luis closed them behind me definitively. So from that moment on I put my house and my money absolutely at risk. service of this cause with which I felt absolutely identified."

I met Jorge through Luis whom I had met through Diego Rapoport whom I had met in a Tato Pavlovsky group whom I had met due to my existential madness.
That's how I met Luis and I became -with some of his friends- the deafest sound engineer on the national scene.
An accident I had when I fell from a bare first floor onto my neighbor's patio after a concert in Bahía Blanca (it was the time of "18 minutes from the sun") as a result of an inadequate mix of_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_barbiturates caused me to stop being his sound engineer but not his friend).

Once recovered from the broken femur, Luis introduced me to Alberto Ohanian since I had told him about my dream of writing in the Imaginary Express. 


I entered as a collaborator and two months later the great Alfredo Rosso decided to leave the editorship since he was not fit for the bureaucracy and they offered me that position which -obviously- I accepted. 

Oh, I forgot to say that when I entered the Express I met Jorge, Pipo and all the wonderful staff of the Express. 

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