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  • Novedades 2019 | Orejas al Universo

    Ancla 1 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Extra Web 00:00 / 01:04 extra website Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04

  • Jorge Pistocchi | Centro Cósmico

    Jorge Pistocchi, su vida, su obra. Fue el creador de las revistas Mordisco, Expreso Imaginario, Zaff! y Pan Caliente. Sus frases, los artículos que se publicaron acerca de sus revistas y la colección completa de muchas de ellas. Youth Photo Pipo Miguel Grandpa Spinetta Peter Count Cosmic Center lavalol the baggin Mouth not everything is roses Phrases Videos Miguel Grinberg gogabolson Jorge Pistocchi Ears to the Universe MEDIA HOT BREAD zaff EXPRESS NIBBLE HAIR JORGE Start To the readers Resume Cosmico La Paternal Cosmic Center 297808_10150382143286514_84602725_n cosmico-4 1/17 Memories get blurry. Years 1984/85. How did Jorge set up the Cosmic Center in La Paternal, so I go to those who have material and memories. A huge house, parties, people who come and go, projects, clubs, typewriters refresh my memory through some photos. Joaquín Amat has many video productions that can be seen atYoutube. "...we made a very big festival, they are all things that you surely know better than me [the only participation of the Redondos in a festival is known history. Later, I formed a kind of community with other people, somewhat similar to this, but perhaps with many more people, in a very large house that we rented. It was a different project, we wanted to do a publishing house but it ended up in something else. That was in La Paternal, a place we built in '84 called Centro Cósmico La Paternal and it lasted until 1990. It was a very large house that some friends of mine had rented, and where they proposed to me to make a magazine. I had been left with a pending matter, after the many problems I had with the publications I put out, that the titles of the Imaginary Express were stolen from me, etc., etc., and I wanted to continue making a publication." Was it a big place? Yes, a house more or less similar to this one, but with many more rooms, a gigantic patio, sheds. When we wanted to agree, after a few weeks everyone slipped in and then in the end we said "let's organize as a community, a newsroom here is going to be impossible" (he laughs). And it was a very nice experience because we did it, we organized ourselves, there were many boys between mine and those of my friends, like ten. And we set up a work cooperative, we painted walls, we did various jobs, with what more or less each one knew. Decorations, whatever. We had a box in common -which we have here too- and with that we spent six years with various... (He remembers and laughs) with various incidents, some of a certain seriousness. A very heterogeneous environment was generated, so we went from hippies from El Bolsón to many heavy metals. All the tribes were there. All, yes. The V8s came at first, which later, in that house, became Hermética. We would have some very large barbecues to which the most diverse people you can think of would come: very lumpen people, very marginal, and out there intellectuals and hippies. But they all lived... See full note by clicking here The interiors of the Fontova Presidente video were recorded at the Cosmic Center. You can see it by clicking on the play of the television Lavallol Jorge and Joaquin Amat Far from his natural habitat, Jorge had landed in Lavallol. To see it you had to make a long journey. Ricchieri, Camino de Cintura to reach a modest "home", very modest. His spirit continued to fight against injustice, although on those lonely nights, anguish and depression would surely take over him. When I was left with my family without a place to live, a friend got me a house that was unoccupied in a workshop belonging to the Amat textile factory in Monte Grande, which was among the three most important in the country and gave work to more than a thousand people. The place where I went to live was called the little workshop because in relation to the factory it was. But this "little workshop", which was in charge of the manufacture of spare parts and the maintenance of the entire industrial complex, comprised a block and almost a hundred people worked. In other words, the back of my house was separated, by a sliding gate, from huge sheds full of people working. But of course, while this workshop flourished, the factory collapsed, like the rest of the productive apparatus. That's how one fine day they declared bankruptcy, kicked everyone out, put closing strips on the doors and Right off the bat I found myself alone with my wife and three children, in the midst of the oppression of the huge now empty sheds, waiting for the moment when they came to evict us. I felt the torment of seeing how once again it was necessary to renounce and leave behind everything that had been built, just like with the Express and the Cosmic Center. In this case, things were much more dramatic because the companions, most of them because of their age, would not get a job anywhere. I was always on the streets and developed defense mechanisms, but they were left in the most absolute helplessness and it seemed to me a betrayal to leave without fighting. This lasted four years from when we took over the factory with two hundred workers and transformed it into a cooperative until the moment in which they managed to finish it off. Osvaldo Quintana -The Collective Magazine When I was left with my family without a place to live, a friend got me a house that was unoccupied in a workshop belonging to the Amat textile factory in Monte Grande, which was among the three most important in the country and gave work to more than a thousand people. The place where I went to live was called the little workshop because in relation to the factory it was. But this "little workshop", which was in charge of the manufacture of spare parts and the maintenance of the entire industrial complex, comprised a block and almost a hundred people worked. In other words, the back of my house was separated, by a sliding gate, from huge sheds full of people working. But of course, while this workshop flourished, the factory collapsed, like the rest of the productive apparatus. That's how one fine day they declared bankruptcy, kicked everyone out, put closing strips on the doors and suddenly I found myself alone with my wife and three children, in the middle of the oppression of the huge sheds now empty, waiting for the moment when they came to evict us. I felt the torment of seeing how once again it was necessary to renounce and leave behind everything that had been built, just like with the Express and the Cosmic Center. In this case, things were much more dramatic because the companions, most of them because of their age, would not get a job anywhere. I was always on the streets and developed defense mechanisms, but they were left in the most absolute helplessness and it seemed to me a betrayal to leave without fighting. This lasted four years from when we took over the factory with two hundred workers and transformed it into a cooperative until the moment in which they managed to finish it off. Osvaldo Quintana - El Colectivo Magazine lavalol Photo: Uberto Sagramoso El Bolson (Photos)

  • Bob Dylan | Orejas al Universo

    La música y las letras de Bob Dylan en dos podcasts del programa "Orejas al Universo" Ante el estreno de la película "Un Completo Desconocido" que trata de la vida de Bob Dylan qué mejor que repasar su música, a través de covers que realizaron otros artistas así como los originales de Dylan. October 2016

  • 2023 | Orejas al Universo

    Earn the campaign airship by doing click here missing Diary of the Candidacy of Dr. Orejas Orejudo 2023 First Bulletin 22 feb Bulletin No. 27 In the main hall of the Government of Tierra del Fuego, Dr. Orejas Orejudo met with the authorities of the island where they discussed Dr.'s plans for when he becomes president. They discussed the long-awaited realization of the bridge that will link the province of Santa Cruz with Tierra del Fuego, the investment in the incipient medical marijuana industry, the construction of a 600-meter-high viewpoint from which it will be possible to see Antarctica, the Law of Marriage between Penguins and many other laws, ordinances, decrees and other issues that make the development and growth of our southern island. twenty feb Bulletin No. 26 On his second day in Usuahia, Dr. Orejas Orejudo took a walk through the city and spontaneously joined the smiley Fuegians who accompanied him smiling, while the people on the sidewalk expressed their approval. At night he went to the Sunstar cinema where he was delighted with Spider-Man and at the exit more Fuegian emojis were waiting for him who surrounded him to ask for autographs. A good start to his national and popular tour. 19 feb Bulletin No. 25 Received by a massive and boisterous crowd, Dr. Orejas Orejudo got off the imposing Orejible and knelt down excited to have returned to his homeland. Excited to start the campaign in his homeland to become president of all Argentines in 2023 18 feb Bulletin No. 24 Flying over Brazil. Third day. Meeting with Lula. There's still hope. 17 feb Bulletin No. 23 From the Orejible, Dr. Orejas Orejudo communicated with Thomas Pesquet on the International Space Station. The astronaut said: “Entire regions of the Earth in flames. Storms leaving trails of destruction in their wake. And the haunting fragility of humanity's only home floating like a blue — albeit stained — pearl in the vastness of space. Through hatches in the International Space Station, I get a stunning view of the repercussions of global warming." “We see the pollution of rivers, air pollution, things like that. What really shook me on this mission were the extreme weather events,” he told Dr. Orejudo. “We saw entire regions burning from the space station, in Canada, in California,” he said. "We saw all of California covered in a cloud of smoke and flames with the naked eye from 400 kilometers (250 miles) up." From space, "the fragility of the Earth is a shock," added Pesquet. "It's a sensory experience to see how isolated we are like an oasis, with limited resources." It is Pesquet's second mission to the international station. It spent 197 days in orbit in 2016-2017. The destructive effects of human activity have become increasingly visible, he says. “Year after year, we also know that we are breaking records for fires, storms, floods. And all of that is very visible. I clearly see the difference compared to my mission four or five years ago,” he said. Source: Los Angeles Times 16 feb Bulletin No. 22 And so Dr. Orejas Orejudo began his return to his beloved homeland at a cruising speed of 228.75 km/h, covering 5,490 km. per day expecting to arrive in Usuahia in approximately 3 days, being registered in the Guinness Stout book as the first human being to cover the distance between the northernmost and southernmost city of our planet, tieya in orejible. fifteen feb Bulletin No. 21 Ending his international tour, Dr. Orejas Orejudo, in a gesture of deep symbolic symbolism, posed his balls in Hammerfest, the northernmost city on the planet in a clear gesture in favor of the fight against Global Warming. He was received by the mayor, Alf E. Jakobsen. For those who have no idea what horns Hammerfest is: Hammerfest is in Norway, north of the European continent and has a population of 11,000 piniguimans and 14,000,000 penguins. Besides there are many bears among which Sir is distinguished. Yogi Bear, married to Bubu Bear. (The equal marriage law has been in force since 2009 in Norway) His speech was very brief due to the intense cold and we transcribe it verbatim: Dear Hammerfestos, it is an honor for you to receive the next president of a country that is in the antipodes, more precisely in the other ass of the world... And it is here where the extremes come together to show the world the possibility of fraternizing beyond the odds. distances, cultures, and the misunderstanding of the great powers. And since the truth is that it's fucking cold, I'll end here without first saying: how beautiful your aurora borealis is. I carry it in my soul like a postcard that I will post on Facebook. 14 feb Bulletin No. 20 After the presentation of the Super Ecological Orejible and giving it the final adjustments, we find Dr. Orejas Orejudo flying to the northernmost city in the world: Hammerfest, in Norway, the last point of his trip around the world. eleven feb Bulletin No. 19 Finally the big day arrived. In a simple and emotional ceremony in the gigantic Estoeselcolmo hangar attended by (from left to right) Greta van Fleet, Dr. Bengt Lindström, Dr. Orejas Orejudo (still in the process of thawing), Marcelo Gallardo, Vladimir Putin and Emmanuel Macron who were still discussing the tense situation in Ukraine. But not even that could quell the hubbub of such an event. The first Orejible powered by solar energy and huge sails to take advantage of the winds from the heavens was thus inaugurated. Said The New York Times: "Astonishing (Copado)" and Patricia Bullrich: "This will be used by the Orejudo for drug trafficking." Dr. Orejudo closed the ceremony with an emotional speech that could not be heard due to the still thick curtain of ice that covered him and he was so moved that a tear flowed from his left eye that immediately froze. 10 feb Bulletin No. 18 20 days after retiring to meditate while Dr. Bengt Lindström finished the reform to the Orejible with which Dr. Orejas Orejudo will carry out his campaign in order to reach the presidency of a country called Argentina in the year 2023, (in the In case said country continues to exist in the concert of nations), Greta Van Fleet came to tell him that it would be ready the next day. In the days he spent with Gelado, one of his trusted advisers, he meditated deeply on his campaign that will start again tomorrow with the world presentation of the Orejible. twenty jan Bulletin No. 17 CONTRATO ENTRE PARTES _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Between Dr. Orejas Orejudos, hereinafter Dr. Orejas Orejudo and Dr. Bengt Lindström, hereinafter Dr. Bengt Lindström on January 20, 2022 in the city of Stockholm sign the following contract. FIRST CLAUSE: Within 15 days, Dr. Bengt Lindström will remodel the Orejible, turning it into a totally ecological vehicle, complying with IFOAM standards. SECOND CLAUSE: Given the delay in the conversion of the eared ear, Dr. Orejas Orejudo will stay those 15 days in Sweden working on his electoral platform and his crew will make themselves available to Dr. Bengt Lindström THIRD CLAUSE: Three copies of the same tenor and soprano are signed before Dr. Gustavo Abajos, Dr. Orejas Orejudo and Dr. Bengt Lindström. FOURTH CLAUSE: It is recorded, place where this copy is registered as well as all previous bulletins. Photo : Retirement of Dr. Orejas Orejudo in a secret place in Sweden. 19 jan Bulletin No. 16 As it had been arranged, Dr. Orejas Orejudo met with Dr. Lindström, an eminent scientist with a long history in ecological technological solutions but with a very young spirit. He was amazed with the Orejible and praised Dr. Orejas. "I wish there were many long-eared with you who fight for the environment and the environment." What followed was an in-depth study, he wrote down many things while they traveled the airship, in addition to being ecstatic with a dulce de leche alfajor that Dr. Orejas gave him. As a courtesy return, Bengt (this is Dr. Lindström's name) gave him a resinous chocolate with a strange smell, telling him that it was better to smoke it than eat it, to the surprise of the candidate for the 2023 Presidency. Bengt asked him for two days to present a project that would make the airship the only one in the world, a request that the Dr. granted with joy and ecstatic with the meeting, he walked through the beautiful streets of Stockholm when he arrived at 8 Hamngatan street. What follows It's a familiar story... Photo: from left to right, Dr. Bengt Lindström, Dr. Orejas Orejudo 18 jan Bulletin No. 15 While heading to his final destination on the tour of a Europe harassed by the Omicron and flying over Stockholm, Orejudo received an email that left him open-mouthed. It was an invitation from Greta Thunberg, a 19-year-old girl who stands out for her fight for the environment. Immediately Dr. Orejas made the eared stop and personally appeared to meet her. I was beautiful. Growing up had favored her and she felt a crush. After a fist bump (which Ears would have preferred was a tender hug) Greta went straight to the point that appeared to the Dr. in the nose that she promptly squeezed in a bath of pus. As they both spoke English the communication was immediate. Looking up at the sky, Greta spotted the airship and asked her: “wow, what a beautiful airship. I don't travel by plane so as not to pollute the planet, but I approve of your airship. Although, how does it work? Blushing, the Dr. answered "Gas-oil". "Mmmmm... I don't like that very much although we could find a solution" Big-Ear's face relaxed, relaxed at the possibility that Greta hinted at. “I would like you to have a meeting with my technology advisor, Dr. Lindström, can you stay a few days to set up a meeting?” Long-eared was moved and answered: "Affirmative." They arranged to see each other the next day and Long-Eared headed for the long-eared, walking through the beautiful streets of Stockholm. He was walking ecstatically when he reached the street Hamngatan 8. Right there was a disgusting McDonalds. "I shouldn't, I shouldn't," he said to himself imperative and pleading at the same time. But Satan exists… and he pushed you in. It was like that, drunk on Coca-Cola, with a shirt stained with ketchup and mustard caused by a disgusting Big Mac, he reached the stairs of the airship and, ashamed, went up to his rooms. "Tomorrow will be another day" and fell asleep with a smile fifteen jan Bulletin No. 14 From Peking, Dr. Orejas Orejudo landed his airship in Luxembourg where he was feted by Grand Duke Henri Albert Gabriel Félix Marie Guillaume de Nassau-Weilburg et de Bourbon-Parme, for friends simply Enrique de Luxembourg and his Cuban wife María Teresa Mestre Batista, a former acquaintance of Dr. Orejas with whom he met in Geneva years ago studying Political Science. In the photo with his sons Guillermo and Felix and on the right Dr. Orejas. In a kind and productive meeting, Enrique and Orejudo signed important agreements effective as of December 10, 2023 (date on which Dr. Orejudo will take office) among which are the extension of Avenida Rivadavia to the capital of Luxembourg, with a trace of 11752 km with a Watchtower halfway. Among the economic agreements are also the installation of a Chimbote dulce de leche factory to satisfy the strange fanaticism of Felix, Marite's son for himself. They also exchanged medals. Dr. Orejas Orejudo was decorated with La Gran Cruz du Mache Argentin and the duke with the Great Cornut Mayor Medal. The evening continued with a small show by the Sinfonieta de Damas Gratis from Argentina and Beethoven's tenth symphony performed by the Lux & Burgo Philharmonic Orchestra. At the end, and in an emotional speech, Dr. Orejas Orejudo praised Luxembourg as a (fiscal) Paradise that jealously guards the hard-earned coins of many compatriots.” When it was time to go to make noni and due to the lack of rooms in the Palace, Dr. Orejas Orejudo had to share a room with Duchess Marite. As soon as he rested his big head on the Royal Pillow he tried to sleep since the next day he had to start his trip to the final destination of Hammerfest. But he couldn't... 12 jan Bulletin No. 13 After touring the Chinese Wall yesterday (“something like our General Peace”, Orejudo thought to himself) and before leaving for his almost final destination (one never knows), Xi Jipon paraded the red army in the Square Has Mielin under the stern gaze of the image of Mao Tse Bidenin. In the photo you can see the joy, the discipline of the triumphant soldiers to the astonishment of the Dr. and his entourage. Behind the building sported the Chinese flag, a Kin-Kon and a McDonalds. The latter made Orejudo feel at home. He said goodbye to Xi with a sticky hug, withdrew with his entourage to the Peking Hilton, ordered a Coca Colin, went to a mall to buy an i-phonin and craved a Kentucky Fried Chickenin. It was Mao Tse Biden's vision that communism was kept out of all capitalist temptation, forging a destiny different from Western consumerism. A great lesson for Dr. Orejas Orejudo! 10 jan Bulletin No. 12 Accompanied by the future ambassador to China, Chino Darín, Dr. Orejas Orejudo arrived in Beijing to meet with Xi Jipon. Also part of the delegation was China Suarez de Icardi, Chino Tapia, Chino Volpato, his dog Rin-Tin-Tin and Chino Navarro representing the current government. The small delegation accompanied Xi through the Argentine neighborhood (see photo) where they laid a floral offering to China Zorrilla. Then they went to an Argentine restaurant where they had lunch of chinchulín with chimichurri washed down with a delicious Termidor vintage 2022 wine. In an unusual gesture, Xi gave a very moving speech: 食物很好吃,没有你也有陪伴 Excited, Dr. Orejudo replied: “When I am President, Argentina will grow. And if Argentina grows, so will China…” After the ceremony, they signed an agreement whereby China assured that in the event that Orejas wins, it would give a loan of 15,000,000,000,000 midges and the Dr. gave him a lollipop and then they made a chin-chin for the good fortune of both countries with a serve that the Chinese Tapia converted into a goal before hitting the ball in Xi, which caused him a chi-chong. Photo, from left to right: Rin Tin Tin, Chino Navarro, China Suarez de Icardi, Dr. Orejas Orejudo, Chino Volpati (Midachis), Xi Jipon (president emeritus of China), Chino Darín, Chino Tapia (Voca Shuniors) 7 jan Bulletin No. 11 ATTENTION ANTI-VACCINES AND ANTI-CHINS Dr. Orejas Orejudo and his Inbestigasion and Desaroyo department have developed this fantastic medication: BIGOTIN. Three pills per day and in Three Days you will have a superbigotin that is born in the nose, covering sensitive areas such as the nose and mouth, giving you immunity against the Bug. It has some contraindications but not many. FREE in all the Basic Units of Long Eared 2023 6 jan Bulletin No. 10 In a top-secret location on the Chinese-Soviet border, Dr. Orejas Orejudo met with Mauricio Covid. In the tense meeting they exchanged gifts: Orejudo gave him an Anmat chinstrap and Covid a flatulence. They talked about ecology, such as the destruction of the environment and its incidence in the formation of new covid cells. In a part of the meeting, Mauricio introduced his children: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and the newborn Omicron, the latter very agile and mischievous. With a grim and firm gesture, Dr. Orejudo reproached him for the deaths he caused since he appeared. Mauricio minimized the figure: You know your asshole, sorry, Big Ears, 3 million children under the age of 5 die per year and according to the United Nations, hunger reaches 9 million per year... More than 700 million people live in extreme situations poverty today and I fall short. Did you know that the 10 richest people in the world have 1,574,000,000,000 dollars. What if they only donated 10% of their fortune, each of those 700,000,000 would have more than 200 dollars to eat? But instead they allocate it to tourist spaceships… Did you know that in the year 2000, when I became unpopular, the 50 richest people in the world added 785,764,000,000 million dollars to their pockets in a single year? Don't reproach me for investing in Pfizer, which has already earned US$ 36,000 million instead of releasing the patents to fight me... Curious microbes, you human beings... I'm leaving anyway... leaving a world more unequal than when I arrived and I was much more democratic since I gave myself to the rich, the middle class and the poor. Eared was bidet (1). He stretched out his fist and said: andacagaar. When I am president you will be just a bad memory. Mauricio just shot another flatulence. (1) Anus-swim 5 jan Bulletin No. 9 Vladimir Putin also surrendered to the sympathy of Dr. Orejas Orejudo, a firm candidate to achieve the presidency of Argentina. "The Putin who gave you birth," said the doctor flatteringly, and the President of the Soviet Union fell at his feet. The conversation revolved around soccer, Argentine meat, Natalia Oreiro, Gerardo Sofovich and the need to fraternize as has been the history between both powers. After singing the Socialist International loudly with the accompaniment of Vladimir Trotsky and León Lenin with Trotsky's orchestra They will come, they danced the balalaika with the dog Laika who died in space that year after boarding the Pulki I ship. Finally, the Dr. promised that if he won, he would donate Astra Zeneca vaccines, atomic power plants, intergalactic rockets, and Argentine smirnoff vodka to Russia. In turn, Vladi honored Orejas with the medal of the Communist League of Young Leninists and Feminists (see photo). 4 jan Bulletin 8 On board his Orejalin, Dr. Orejas Orejudo was going at cruising speed towards the URRS when he met God on the way. Contrary to what everyone might believe, they talked about soccer, tactics, remembering goals, and they hit it off immediately. Orejudo told him about his presidential plans and Muñedios told him: If you win, I'll offer myself as chief of staff. Excited, Dr. Orejas shouted GOOOOLLLLLLL glimpsing a 5-1 victory and then they melted into a very strong hug. So strong, that they are still trying to separate them. Tomorrow: Dr. Orejas Orejudo in the USSR 1st jan Bulletin No. 7 While the world celebrates the beginning of the year 2022 with fireworks and hope, Dr. Orejas Orejudo continues with his journey to meet the World Leaders and after a restful rest in his little hut in Ibiza he departs in his campaign ship to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to meet their leader. More news tomorrow with bulletin eight. 2021 30 dec. Bulletin No. 6 Discreetly guarded by his friend Clarco Quent, Dr. Orejas went to spend the New Year at his modest weekend villa in Ibiza, regaining strength after meeting other powerful people and, incidentally, continuing to think about how to make Argentina a Power from the year 2023. The 2022 that is coming will be a year of hard militancy for which he deserves a short rest before heading to the Soviet Union for the first days of the year for a very important meeting with Puton. Reading the previous bulletins you will be able to see the journey that the candidate undertook 5 bulletins ago. In the meantime, happy new year. Remember to put on your mask, do not drive drunk or drunk, do not use flying canes or fireworks as animals suffer, brush your teeth well and throw waves of love and peace. Congratulations! 29 dec. Bulletin No. 5 Continuing with his journey presenting his 2023 candidacy, Dr. Orejas Orejudo met the 95-year-old Elizabeth, Queen of England (the same one so well portrayed in The Crown series). "How good it looks," praised Dr. Orejas. In a pleasant dialogue, topics were discussed such as the denial of the competition between her and Mirtha Legrand for permanence on television, the love she feels for Malvina Pastorino, which Dr. Orejas took the opportunity to refer to our islands. The Queen's reply was hopeful: "You should discuss that with Boris, who will be at the hairdresser's until next month." The afternoon was dedicated to leisure playing cricket with Peter Gabriel and drinking mate made in england. 28 dec. Bulletin No. 4 bis: Faith of rats: In yesterday's publication in the photograph published both Dr. Orejas Orejudos, as well as the president of PSG and Lionel Messi were without a mask, setting a bad example for society. We have repaired the error and we give this photo for validity. The campaign team of Dr. Orejas Orejudos apologizes and therefore publishes this rectification. 27 dec. Bulletin No. 4 In an act not exempt from prolocoto, the candidate Dr. Orejas Orejudo met with Mr. Lionel Messi. Among the topics discussed were the milanesas con papa frita, the installation of a hotel belonging to his luxurious chain (it would be called La Salad") on Isla Maciel and fundamentally - what turned out to be news in all the media - the promise of crack in going to play in Argentina in the event that the Dr. becomes president in 2023. The news caused a sensation in Argentina, causing spontaneous demonstrations of support for Orejudo in the main cities, towns and districts of the country. Dr. Orejudo continues to rise incessantly in the polls, already bordering 26.5% of voting intentions and in clear rise, only surpassed by the undecided, the do not know / do not answer and the age group from 2 to 4 years. (In the photo from left to right Dr. Orejas Orejudo, the president of PSG (Paris Saint-Germain Football Club) and Lionel Messi) 26 dec. Bulletin No. 3 Yesterday, Dr. Orejas and the Pope spent several hours together talking about issues of global, national, and neighborhood interest. Before leaving for London, where the Big-Eared will meet the Queen, they got confused in a big hug. They were so confused that the confusion began to confuse the environment that sent the Pope to the airport for his flight to London and Dr. Orejas to the papal apartments. Fortunately, the Dr.'s campaign manager noticed and gave the alert when the plane had already taken off and Ears was sleeping soundlessly in the papal room. Dr. Orejudo was woken up and rushed to Fiumicino airport while the plane Francisco was on turned over the English Channel and landed just as it arrived at Orejas himself. When they saw each other, they got confused in a big hug. They got so confused that the confusion… 25 dec. Bulletin N°2 - Dr. Orejas Orejudo 2023 After visiting the United States, the candidate for president 2023 traveled on a transatlantic plane to celebrate Christmas with the Pope, an Argentine like him. It did not come out what they talked about, although it was learned that Francisco told Dr. Orejas Orejudo that he hoped that for Concord, Entre Ríos and Jose C. Paz, for peace he viewed his candidacy with good graces and although he does not want to get into politics Argentina, the photo says it all... Ancla 1 22 dec. Bulletin N°1 - Dr. Orejas Orejudo 2023 On his first international tour, Dr. Orejudo visited the President of the United States who apologized (kneeling) for his predecessor McDonald Trump and the abusive debt he made us contract. However, he said that he will not give up on charging it as it is.

  • expreso imaginario

    Pipo Lernoud, Resorte Hornos, Alfredo Rosso y Claudio Kleiman hablan de la mítica revista Expreso Imaginario EXPRESS JORGE gogabolson Jorge Pistocchi Ears to the Universe MEDIA HOT BREAD zaff NIBBLE HAIR Memories (Horace Fontova) Jorge's Texts and Covers Photos Farewell Letter Brief history (Pipo Lernoud) Spring Alfredo Rosso super rag Claudio Kleiman Envelope No. 0 The Express CD Ancla 1 Brief History of the Imaginary Express When finally, after months of searching and failed tests, the publisher-financier, the lawyer Alberto Ohanian, appeared, it was already summer. 1976 came upon us, and with it the military coup by Videla and his henchmen. We come together and ask ourselves: What to do? The decision was to go ahead, see how the hand came, not talk about stinging topics: politics, religion, drugs. Saying things through others, with literary and artistic metaphors. “There is a whole world outside of what is prohibited, and we are going to explore it so as not to suffocate. Let's look like a music magazine in the dull eyes of the censors.” The editorial meetings, crazy and creative, were what today would be called brain storming, except that the ideas and storms were very extreme, driven by Jorge's brilliant imagination and the corrosive humor of Negro Fontova. The newsroom was like a strange island of freedom in the middle of a silent and frightened city. It is already known that the covers of the Expreso were an indelible mark of the magazine, and a touch of color and madness in the monochrome and censored kiosks of the Process. The idea was that each cover was different, and told a story of its own. The famous tomato shot at Travolta, a symbol of the pasatista culture that the dictatorship wanted to impose, is an example SOME NOTABLE NOTES The Punk Note Punk was emerging against everything in England and the USA, and Alfredo brought every day the news that he was eagerly looking for in the foreign media, in times when there was no internet or computers, oddly enough today. We didn't know if reflecting the countercultural violence of English punk with its defiant lyrics and gory stories would be acceptable to the process mentality. But we didn't think too much either. We started from the assumption that almost anything could be said if it was in the words of foreign authors who belonged to the Western and Christian world, and, after all, Johnny Rotten was a foreigner. It occurred to me from the second issue to make a section called "Practical guide to inhabit the planet Earth", to speak for the first time of "applied ecology". Although read today the section seems naive, over the years I have met many people who became interested in food and natural medicine from those few pages, and the organic farming movement in Argentina arose from the readers of the Guide and the meticulous notes of José Luis Damato. Actually, I think we have to thank Damato for accustoming us to serious research and reliable information on "alternative" issues such as climate change (in 1978!!), renewable energy, genetic manipulation, criticism of nuclear power etc. In the nuclear field, José Luis made a devastating note from the movie China Syndrome, and for a moment we thought we were getting into trouble, since nuclear energy was always a private and secret business of the military, and at that time more than ever. Basabru's notes on jazz and avant-garde music and Claudio's on North American rock and folk also had serious research and detailed information. The idea of saying EVERYTHING about an artist resulted in pages and pages of typography that we called “gouging out your eyes” because no author wanted to cut off what they had worked so hard to figure out. It always seemed to us that as a good rock magazine, we had to talk about the greats of tango, folklore, Brazilian music or salsa. That is, it is not about musical genres, but about people who show new paths. It was so that on the sixth cover of the Expreso, before any rock musician, we put Piazzolla, with an extensive report. The brilliant Egberto Gismonti and Hermeto Paschoal from Brazil and Opa, a group of the Fatorrusso brothers from Uruguay, graced the cover of a popular magazine anywhere in the world for the first time. Egberto, with the history of his sound searches among the Amazonian Xingu tribes, mixed with his high-level classical and jazz training, caused surprise and a legion of followers. Hermeto showed Argentines for the first time that great technology was not needed -the central concern of the rockers of the time- to invent amazing music, and he kept Alfredo, Claudio, Fernando and me stunned with a one-hour recital with two soda bottles. Damato made a meticulous, many-page note on Jung's theory of the Collective Unconscious, picturing it with similar images from all cultures and times. From there came Charly's inspiration to compose the song, which speaks of "the eaves of the mind." Diana Bellessi, today an Argentine poet laureate, made a series of reports on aboriginal poetry and the singers of the ravines, working under the guidance of Leda Valladares. He also covered the various aboriginal cultures of the Americas, told as living and inspiring experiences. From the first issues, at the request of Pistocchi, we searched for creative cartoonists who would generate fun and direct stories. Rolando Rojo, Gustavo Dall'Occhio, Diego Vegezzi, Spring Hornos, Rubén Vásquez (Nebur) and others produced a series of highly satirical and delusional cartoon stories. Jorge got the rights to "Little Nemo in the Land of dreams”, one of the first comics. Jorge also had the idea of making fotonovelas, and with the help of exceptional photographers such as Eduardo Martí and Uberto Sagramoso, that territory became a new world in which, once again, things could be said without saying them. The list of journalists today who made their debut at El Expreso is very long: For example, the editorial secretaries of the different stages: Ralph Rotschild – today editor of La Mano, Sandra Russo, Gloria Guerrero. Adriana Franco today writing about rock in La Nación, began with some chronicles in the early 80s. Roberto Pettinatto came to the magazine through a letter from readers, hidden behind the pseudonym Laura Ponte, and he stayed forever. With his obsession with the “New Journalism” of Tom Wolfe, Truman Capote and Hunter Thomson, and his constant bouts of satire and sarcasm, he contributed to renewing the language. When little by little we all started leaving, Pettinatto was left to direct the last year of the magazine, already with a clearly musical tone. In the second issue we put a letter from the Scottish group Incredible String Band as an editorial, which is a statement of the magazine's principles, and the opposite of the intolerant thinking of the dictatorship at that time, and which I like to close these memories: “His head is so wide that everything life says has room to live and breathe and be, and even more…” Pipo Lernoud The beginning of the bloodiest dictatorship in Latin American history – which is already saying a lot – is not a good opportunity to start a magazine based on freedom and exploration. Actually, the idea already had its shooting time. It had emerged from the eternally creative head of Jorge Pistocchi, former patron of Almendra, former director of the magazine Mordisco, specialized in rock. Jorge contacted me in the middle of 1975 with a folder with drawings and notes, a logo and the first cover already designed. We began to look for financing for the project, and to think about putting together a team. The first one that occurred to us was Horacio Fontova, the “Renaissance Negro”, actor, cartoonist, musician, writer and old friend from shipwreck nights with Miguel Abuelo and Tanguito. Horacio would put the aesthetic stamp on the Express, a personality that stands out among the magazines of Argentina and probably the world. Jorge brought Alfredo Rosso, who was finishing the colimba and writing for his previous magazine, Mordisco. The 20-something Rosso brought two friends, Claudio Kleiman –companion of the colimba- and Fernando Basabru. Resorte Dr. Hornos, for the Springe friends and for the law, Eduardo Sanz (*) accompanied Jorge with his illustrations, making the cartoons for the magazine and giving him, along with Fontova and many others, the graphics that made it distinctive. (*) A great companion at the police stations to which they used to take us after each recital in between and where they didn't know him as Springe... Alfredo "The Imaginary Express": journalism and counterculture The publication directed by Jorge Pistocchi and Pipo Lernoud put readers' mail, ecology, oriental philosophy and native peoples at the center of its interests. Alfredo Rosso tells of his beginnings as a chronicler in the mythical magazine. By Mariano Nieva -Paco Urondo Agency Alfredo Rosso: What you say, I learned in those years from colleagues like Claudio Kleiman, for example, who is the one who brought Brazilian music to the Express, and that's how we found out more than 40 years ago about the existence of Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Hermeto Pascoal and Ney Matogrosso. Pipo Lernoud, for his part, introduced folklore at a time when we were a bit afraid of this style, along with tango, because there was a kind of friction with the tangueros who had felt in the '60s that rock he had removed scenery and figuration, and somehow they were right. Some of that had happened at that time. UPA: And at what point do you feel that this mixture of sounds and styles began to be heard more clearly among our artists? AR: Everything began to integrate, like when Negra Sosa returned to the country after exile and, after the dictatorship was over, León Gieco and Charly García were on the stage where she performed. Or Daniel Sbarra, a musician from Virus, who was playing with Jaime Torres at the time. Then began a wonderful period that today is a constant and nobody is scared anymore, and that is that rock merges with folklore, for example. Of course, we must never stop honoring pioneers like Gustavo Santaolalla who already did this crossbreeding in the '70s with his group Arco Iris. If, for example, you listen to his song “I want to arrive”, you will find "piazzoleano" tango, folklore and also jazz. UPA: What did it mean to you to have been part of the Imaginary Express, taking into account that you had just left the colimba, the context in which the publication appeared and the stature of myth that it later reached? AR: The Express was an apprenticeship for me. Imagine that I was 21 years old and had just finished my military service with Claudio Kleiman, whom I met there, in the barracks. Fifteen days after being discharged, I began to do a section called “La hora de los inéditos” on the radio program “Viento a favor”, in collaboration with Fernando Basabru, who had been my classmate in high school and that today accompanies us and looks at us from somewhere in the cosmos. In addition, I worked in a record company editing records and when I entered the Expreso, which was just beginning, I met a generation that had between five and ten years of experience with me, and that also had a humanistic view of life and a desire for freedom through all price. UPA: People with a lot of lucidity and vision of the future. AR: Absolutely, Jorge Pistochi and Pipo Lernoud were there as its directors; Black Horacio Fontova, whom everyone knows as a musician and comedian but who is a great diagrammer and cartoonist and who did an enormous job in the magazine. José Luis Damato, who was in charge of all the notes on ecology, and many other people who joined, like Gloria Guerrero, Sandra Russo and Roberto Petinatto, who as we all know was a Sumo saxophonist and who became director in the last stage of the magazine to which many people do not give due ball. UPA: It is true what you say regarding the period in which Petinatto was in charge of the magazine, very few remember and recognize it. AR: I think the interesting thing about Petti's work is that he tried to insert the magazine in the '80s, in a very different context from the beginning. Although I accept that perhaps the first stage that goes from 76 to 79 has been the most fruitful of the publication. A tomato for Travolta. By 1978 the main groups on the local scene had dissolved. The news of the separations of La máquina de hacer pájaros, Invisible, Crucis, Polifemo, Soluna and Pastoral, among others, were known through the pages of the Imaginary Express. This situation, added to a context of suffocation resulting from the military dictatorship and the exile of great figures such as León Gieco, Lito Nebbia, Gustavo Santaolalla, Pino Marrone and Edelmiro Molinari, caused both the publication of new record materials and the the number of live shows. On the other hand, the film Saturday night fever released a year earlier, directed by John Badham, and the culture of disco music in our country were other factors that aggravated the situation. Artists like the Bee Gees, Donna Summer, Gloria Gaynor and Kool & The Gang were the main stars of a phenomenon that proposed disco and dance as an alternative to the communion of the recital. The Imaginary Express, in its own way, did not remain oblivious to this new circumstance and picking up the gauntlet in issue No. 26 of September 1978, put a tomato smack on the face of John Travolta, icon of disco music, on the cover. The cover was accompanied by a sarcastic centerpiece headlined "The Feverish Robots of Saturday Night." UPA: Another of the things that was rescued from the Express was that it had been a kind of advance journalism. They talked about what many were silent. AR: Pipo and José Luis Damato were pioneers in addressing what was coming, the environmental issue, the contamination of the seas and pollution in cities. We talked about all this in 1977 and 1978, in the section "The manual for inhabiting planet Earth", for example, something really "incorrect" for the time, because it was to address these issues in an ideal country where everything was fine and we were rights and human So with all those people we made a magazine that talked about cinema, theater, ecology and communities at a time when you couldn't talk about all that freely. For this reason, I believe that Expreso Imaginario was a place of cultural resistance in a terrible time. On the other hand, my contribution was in the musical part with Kleiman, Basabru and the unforgettable Edy “La Foca” Rodríguez, who also played with El Negro in the duo they formed and who named him Fontova y la Foca. UPA: Many do not know that El Expreso Imaginario had a fleeting step as a radio program. How did that experience come about? AR: After many years, there was an attempt in 2001 to revive the experience, but it did not go beyond a broadcast on La Tribu radio, which was fun and was hosted by Rubén de León, the singer and leader of La banda del paraíso, but he did not give to continue it. Later, Jorge Pistochi made some productions for single numbers, and nothing more. UPA: Today you are working on a book that has to do with rescuing your notes from the Express. Tell us a little more about this project AR: Indeed, we are making a book with Pipo and Kleiman of our notes on the Express. Of course we have to be selective, because it is a work that is going to have about 400 pages and we cannot put everything. Also, it's just our notes, to which we own the rights and we're very happy to do so. And since we are prolonging the interviews we did in those days, it also mobilized us a lot. UPA: Beyond the lots of memories you have from that time, what happened to you when you got back in touch with that material? AR: Imagine remembering again, for example, the report I did to Spinetta at the time of his album Kamikaze at his home in Florida, and everything that was happening around it, because the meeting with El Flaco happened in the middle of the Malvinas war. . Or the note to the Television group, which I remember I did a few blocks from where I worked at the Music Hall label and that I wrote it in a Chinese restaurant, where I would have lunch every day, so there are even humorous elements. In summary, it is a very strong exercise to remember those notes again and realize in most cases how current they are, how they are so current not only because of the musicians we are talking about, but also because of the vibe that the writings have. . UPA: Seeing a bit of current events in the media. Do you feel that they left some kind of legacy in the way of doing written journalism? AR: As for the inheritance, I think we did something very dignified in the time of The Hand, and in this sense I want to send a big hug to Ralph Rothschild who made it possible for the magazine to come out at another difficult time for written material, such as the years 2003. and 2004, after the 2001 disaster, and he gambled for the project and invested. We did this publication with Pipo Lernoud, Marcelo Fernández Bitar and Martín Pérez, "El Gavilán", today editor of Radar, the cultural supplement of Página/12, who was very important; and of course Roberto Petinatto, the guy who gave the publication much more than its name. And a lot of collaborators like Fernando García, who at the time of the final closing left a great phrase, when he said: “I am very glad to have worked in a magazine that is not a franchise”. La Mano lasted 6 years, maintaining, it seems to me, the spirit of the Imaginary Express. When talking about countercultural journalism in our country, the experience that took place between 1976 and 1983 and that was called El Expreso Imaginario, one of the most rebellious magazines that the vernacular written press had, immediately appears as a reference. Alfredo Rosso, one of the most prominent specialized rock journalists, tells in this interview for Agencia Paco Urondo his beginnings as a chronicler in the mythical publication, the unpublished topics for the time that were covered in its pages and the history of La Mano at the beginning of the new millennium which, according to Alfredo himself, preserved that rebellious and original spirit of the Express. Paco Urondo Agency: Today there is much talk of miscegenation in rock and perhaps no one will be surprised, for better or worse, by the fusion of styles that can be found. And it seems to me that El Expreso in this, as in so many other things, was avant-garde. Rock, folklore and tropicalism could coexist in its pages. Claudio by Humphrey Inzillo March 24, 2019 This song is for the old men, for Rosso, for Kleiman", says Indio Solari before singing "That lonely Cuban cow" in a memorable concert in Cemento, in 1987, where Luca Prodan shared the stage with Los Redondos and sang "Criminal mambo". Claudio Kleiman laughs when he remembers that dedication, immortalized on a pirated cassette. "By that time we were already the geezers," he says. Ten years earlier, he had been the first to write about that delirious group that would become one of the most popular in the history of vernacular rock. That's just one of the milestones in Kleiman's four decades as a rock journalist. In that course, he went from being a benchmark to becoming a legend. Founder of the Imaginary Express and a pillar of the Argentine edition of Rolling Stone since its first edition, in 1998, his firm is one of the most prestigious on the continent. In all these years of ink and music, he earned the admiration of Charly García (who eagerly awaited each of his criticisms) and Gustavo Santaolalla (who considers him one of the best journalists in the world), participated in memorable jams in the rehearsal rooms of La Renga and Divididos, and interviewed giants like Iggy Pop and Carlos Santana, among many others. However, and although he does not plan to abandon the profession of writing, his great motivation today is on stage. "Music is the closest human beings have to a transcendental experience, it is beyond words and concepts, it is air in motion," he says, inspired by his new main métier. "Music and journalism have always been like parallel paths, and for music to have a more visible place now is something I've been waiting for a long time." It is no coincidence that his debut album, It Was Time , he will arrive at a critical moment for his lifelong profession. "Journalism is in a transition that nobody knows very well where it is going. The one we met, with which we were trained, with long notes, research, opinion, now it is only found in drops, it has no place on the internet," reflect. Neither is the impressive list of guests who selflessly joined the album by chance (see box). Kleiman never had conflicts when it came to erasing the border between the musician and the journalist, and from the respect that each of his articles generated, he earned the friendship of several generations of Argentine musicians. Era hora is not a journalist's foray into the realm of musical practice, but the result of a lifelong passion: alongside his journalistic career, he played with Skay Beilinson in a line-up parallel to the Redondos (earlier from the 80s), he recorded a demo with a Latin American touch - which included a version by the Brazilian composer Alceu Valença - and led several projects essentially linked to blues. under the white album The first three volumes of the Kleiman disco seem like part of a manual for the perfect rocker: the White Album, by the Beatles; Almond and Manal. "They were the ones that had come out at that time, and I didn't imagine that they were going to be the best that I was going to listen to in my life," he says and evokes his adolescence, those years in which he went to concerts, bought vinyl records and wanted to know everything. . "Growing up in the 60s and 70s was a very rich breeding ground. My first recitals were BA Rock, but I also went to Luna Park to see Viglietti or Quilapayún, and to listen to Piazzolla with Gerry Mulligan at the Belgrano Auditorium. All of this, long before even thinking about the possibility of writing." It was during those years, too, that in addition to devouring record reviews in La Pelo and Cronopios, he began to write poetry and short stories, with a fleeting participation in an anthology of young poets by Miguel Grinberg, the priest of writers. with some pretense beatnik whom Kleiman followed with admiration in the newspaper La Opinión. "And that was before the Express, which was my approach to journalism and rock from within." When he finished high school, he began to study psychology without much conviction. Until his military service (in the Military Police Regiment, in Palermo) forced him to interrupt his studies. And, incredible as it may seem, it changed his life (for the better). Strictly speaking, it wasn't exactly the colimba that changed his life but a meeting with a colleague, Alfredo Rosso, who over the years would become another of the pillars of vernacular rock journalism. Together they formed an unbeatable tandem. "In the colimba I was with the radar attentive to see if any soul related to rock appeared within that confinement. And one day, in a guard that they called "imaginary" because it was without weapons, I came across a Mordisco magazine, which It was before the Expreso. It was owned by a kid who didn't look like he was a Mordisco reader. So I say to him: "Hey, is that magazine yours?" And then he tells me that a certain Rosso, from the First Sergeant's office. So I started looking for the owner of the magazine. And it turns out that he was not only a reader, but also wrote there. That's how I met him, and we immediately became new friends. And he immediately told me that the owner, Jorge Pistocchi, was devising another publication. The next free time we had, he took me to Pistocchi's apartment on Viamonte street. And that was a before and after for me." -Because? -His house was a mess, there were a couple of mattresses on the floor, a long table full of papers. And Pistocchi would start talking and he was like some kind of guru. Guru for his ability to persuade and for his thought, which was very deep. The people who gathered around him were extraordinary. An expected debut At the end of last year, Kleiman released his first album, Era hora, which includes an eclectic guest list, with legends such as León Gieco, Ricardo Mollo, Diego Arnedo and Gustavo Santaolalla; pioneers such as drummer Rodolfo García (Almendra), guitarist Claudio Gabis (Manal) and keyboardist Ciro Fogliatta (Los Gatos); blues heroes like the maestros Marcelo Ponce and Jorge Senno or the drummer Juan Carlos Tordó (La Mississippi); and a selection that includes the Uruguayan murguista Alejandro Balbis, the star violinist Javier Casalla, the singer Claudia Puyó and musicians from the Ratones Paranoicos, among many others. An impressive staff for any debut album, which garners the respect and, fundamentally, the affection that Kleiman has planted in all these years of music. There are eight own songs and two co-authored (with Skay Beilinson and Pipo Lernoud), which dialogue with some national rock obsessions, paint an urban landscape and investigate a certain neighborhood existentialism. When he returned to Psychology, in May 1976, Kleiman found himself with a completely different panorama from the one he had left before entering, still in a democracy. The halls of the college, which had previously been riddled with posters and abuzz with political activism, artistic expression and sexual tension, had died down. "The walls were white, bare. There was no activity, everyone was submissive, like something out of 1984, from Orwell. So if the race had interested me little from the beginning, the context definitely drove me away." At the time, the Imaginary Express was on the tails and Kleiman had taken over the record-review section. In part, because of his incipient training on the subject, but also because of his work in the bookstore and record store that his brother had in Flores, y where Pedro Aznar and Daniel Melero went to buy, allowed him to have access to the latest releases. For the first issue, which came out in August 1976 and offered a "Practical Guide to Inhabiting Planet Earth" on the cover, Kleiman reviewed records by Bob Dylan, Neil Young and Frank Zappa. The recognition came in the email of the second number, when Charly García sent a brief but extremely auspicious text, where he congratulated all the staff and especially highlighted the Records section. "I still didn't know him personally. That's why I owe it to him: I was a recently arrived asshole and, from that, they began to look at me with more respect." -You ever said that, more than a magazine, the Express... was a vital experience. -Clear. It was like a salvation for us, and many readers also felt that way, because we were able to create ourselves as a microworld. It was like an island within that sinister reality that was lived. The initial group was an amazing gathering of talent. In addition to Pistocchi, there was Pipo (Lernoud), who would be the co-director of the Express and Negro Fontova, an illustrator and art director. Also Alberto Ohanian, who was not for nothing later the manager of Spinetta and Soda Stereo, a very important guy to carry out the delusions that Pistocchi had in his head. And Uberto Sagramoso, who was the first photographer of the Express. They were all a few years older than Alfredo [Rosso] and me. Imagine that all of us who are still alive are still very good friends. -And how was the relationship with the musicians? -We were part of the same thing: a small group of people who had to close ranks. That immediately produced a brotherhood and many remain friends to this day: Gustavo Santaolalla, León Gieco, Claudio Gabis, even Luis [Alberto Spinetta] and Charly, of course. With some of them we played memorable football matches. rock wonder for this world Although he wrote many emblematic articles, such as a long profile of Bob Dylan and a couple of anthological interviews with Charly García, Claudio Kleiman will go down in history for the chronicle of the first of the Lozanazos, those famous concerts in La Plata that gave rise to the myth of the Round ones. "The incipient rock movement from La Plata seems to make old laurels green again. This is how the presentation, at the Lozano de La Plata theater, of Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota, a delirious band of nine members and a multitude of collaborators, seems to herald it. rock and roll strength, wit and good humor seems to want to ape the golden days of psychedelia," he wrote. A couple of paragraphs later, he prophesied: "Those Redonditos de Ricota are going to give a lot to talk about in the future." Four decades later, Claudio recalls the initial shock and, once again, the instant friendship that was born that night. "The closest parallel that occurred to me when I saw them was with Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention, because they put on a freak circus on stage. There were special effects that failed, they threw chickens. Here, there was no precedent for something like that. And the name had a very clear reference to '50s rock & roll groups like Bill Haley & His Comets, and that was politically incorrect." The night of the first concert, in a bar, Kleiman, Skay and Poli forged a friendship that continues to this day. He met the others, but the approach and the talk was with them. "They made music that was different from any other music out there. That really appealed to me, because I realized all the cultural baggage they brought with them, that these guys had been trained in psychedelia and had read the same books that I had." -And from that initial meeting and that first mythical note, how did the relationship continue? -They had an apartment here in Buenos Aires and whenever they came, once a week, Poli would let me know and we would go out for drinks. We would go to drink and in those laps you would meet characters that they were incorporating into the Redondos. Like Enrique Symns, at that time a monologue of the under. And several more that we discovered on those nocturnal adventures. -And how did you get along with the Indian? -We had a bond on the side of melomania; he made some compilations on cassette because he said he got bored of listening to complete records. Ahead of his time (laughs). We listened to them when he went to the house. It was a box of surprises because he didn't mix them in any way, he had a question, he was a DJ. And we argued a lot because we didn't agree on many things. He boasted of being more open and he is right, I have always been more classic in my tastes. For example, at the time of the new romantic I didn't even bank there and he liked it. I'm talking about the second half of the 80s. Kleiman saw the exponential growth of the group until it reached the dimension of stadiums. And he also witnessed the consecration of artists such as León Gieco, Charly García and Gustavo Santaolalla. "Charly confessed to me, not long ago, that he was especially looking forward to reading my reviews of his records. And that, imagine, what it means to me", he prides himself between memories of recording sessions and shared reports. -How do you deal with the idea that many of your musician friends became millionaires? -I do the best I can. Let's say, that contradiction is not lost on me, but just as I have seen that, I have also seen very talented people end up in misery. Complaining would be pretentious or unfair on my part. Maybe I was never very clever. I was always more after what I was attracted to do than what could provide an economic return. And well, what do I know, skull does not squeal. I would have liked to earn more money, but I don't know if I didn't have the ability or the talent. On the other hand, if I had wanted to make money I would have pursued a career as a notary, just like my dad, which was what he wanted, and I would probably be very well off financially. I would have inherited my old man's office. But hey, one entered this as a way to rebel against the established order. And that, in my case, does not have many awards. Word of Santaolalla From Kuwait, where he is participating in a large video game conference, and before leaving for Switzerland for a special visit to CERN, the largest particle physics research laboratory in the world, Santaolalla writes about Kleiman. "Claudio is one of the most capable rock journalists I've ever met. I've always been an avid reader of music publications from around the world, and having read authors like Lester Bangs, Dave Marsh, Robert Hilburn, Timothy White and Joe Boyd, among others, I can say with certainty that Claudio is on a par with any of those monsters of world rock journalism.His knowledge is so vast and his capacity for analysis so accurate that he has always been a fundamental reference for the discovery of new artists and the deepening of the work of those already established.Claudio is one of the pioneers of rock journalism in our country and one of the few who have given validity and seriousness to the profession.To his work as a chronicler He has also added his talent as a musician and I think that today makes his understanding of what he writes even deeper. But in addition to his incredible skills as a chronicler, Claudio has a human quality that allows him to relate to his interviewees in a very special. In his reports we managed to discover aspects of an artist that are often unknown. Finally, I must confess that, in my case, the endearing affection I have for him as a friend adds to my admiration and respect as a professional". Claudio was a fundamental part of the history of the Express and this note could not be missing. In those distant times I used to listen to him sing and when I do it today I can't believe how he has grown and the perseverance he had to become considered an excellent musician and, as always, a journalist. Ralph ENVELOPE N°0

  • Revista Pan Caliente

    Una revista de Jorge Pistocchi. El Festival, el show de los Redonditos de Ricota en Excursionistas, y todos los números editados para ver o descargar El Festival EXPRESS gogabolson Jorge Pistocchi Ears to the Universe MEDIA HOT BREAD zaff NIBBLE HAIR JORGE Testimonials The Round Ones Photos and videos The festival Magazines Start Hot Bread Festival Pan Caliente magazine, after fighting the streets for five issues in Argentina '81, reached a paradoxical situation: being an editorial success and an economic failure at the same time. Various reasons, such as the increase in paper, devaluations, distribution expenses, general advertising slump, were cornering us in that impasse in which the best dreams vanish. We had already decided to cut the trip short when some musician friends came up with the idea of holding this recital to take the bread out of the fire before it charred. The thing was growing until a date and a place where we hope that all this will become a real party. This festival was possible thanks to the support of musicians and different people who volunteered their shoulders so that the magazine "PAN CALIENTE" continues... Doing freelance journalism these days is not an easy thing. Mainly because economic difficulties multiply in any editorial project that does not make concessions in its content... This experience is not new for those of us who make this "Bread" for these same reasons, other dreams fell to the ground, and if this time a way out arises, it is because of that pure love that we mentioned at the beginning. Organizing this meeting was somewhat complicated since this is not our job, so we ask that you collaborate as much as possible to help us overcome difficulties and make this a party for everyone... If everything goes well, the first days of March we will meet again. Thank you... HOT BREAD _cc781905-5cde-3193-bb8b3d5 Fotos 1/21 The Stage: How to set up a stage at the Excursionistas Club. It occurred to Jorge to put together two truck trailers that would serve that purpose. There were many problems but the main one was that they did not fit through the doors of the club... Honestly (my memory is half burned at this point in life) how was this solved, but they finally entered. The Tickets: We were happy with how the previous sale had developed. The tickets were photocopies that I signed one by one with a light blue marker. We saw the public enter but not the collection. They told me that they were selling tickets in Barrancas de Belgrano, which was where the people came from. I ran there. There were like five or more scalpers who had easily forged the tickets. What were we going to do? Call the gray? Not even dreaming... Thanks to our ingenuity we could not raise enough to continue with the magazine. El Polvo: It was difficult to see what was happening on stage because of the gigantic stick that raised a curtain of earth. They say that Monona de los Redonditos got naked on stage. I don't remember, it would be because with Jorge we were discussing with SADAIC that he wanted to take the money for the number of people in the stadium and not for the tickets that were actually sold. Of course, who could convince them that we had been so foolish as to issue tickets so forgerable (The other day I found that someone had put a ticket for the Festival on Mercado Libre for sale, but it was gone. Could it have been fake or the real one?) videos Video taken fromChannelZero Redondos 40 years have passed excursionitas On January 2, 2022, the Excursionistas Club released a video commemorating the Pan Caliente Festival. We add some memories collected these days. Diarios Keep reading... Keep reading... testimonios TESTIMONIALS Miguel Grandpa's Cap I had just arrived from living for a while in Bahia, Brazil, after the Imaginary Express, and, back in Buenos Aires, I was collaborating with Jorge on Pan Caliente. I had brought a woven cap, typical of Bahia, and I didn't even take it off to…sleep. Miguel, when he was about to go on stage with the newly formed Abuelos de la Nada, asked me to borrow it to perform. It fit her very well, as you can see in hundreds of photos. I never saw her again! Pipo Lernoud Memory of Fernando de la María Aqui va el rollo de mis recuerdos del festival.. Yo cuando decidieron que harian el festival en una cancha les dibuje en posible escenario donde habian partes que se desplazaban hasta el medio de la cancha!! KKKK por supuesto delirios de arquitecto joven ... y totalmente fuera de toda posibilidad economica para el presupuesto . La historia es que alguien les mostro adentro de un estudio un enorme escenario de 7x7 o 9x9 ya no me acuerdo.y se quedaron tranquilos ..... hasta que lo vieron armado en la canchay se dieron cuenta que parecia un banquito .Jorge junto con Jorge Kaczewer y Boris (1) me llamaron y pasaron a buscar por mi casa . Ya de vuelta y escurriendome los sesos para como resolver el*problemita* de la falta de escenario, frente al estadio de River paso al lado del auto un camion con acoplado. Me acorde de un filme Zacharias (western rock) en el que tocaban arriba de carretas.(si no la viste buscala es de culto) Eso fue el dia 29. Volvimos a gascon (la redacción) y se pusieron tras el alquiler de los dos acoplados que finalmente se pusieron adelante del que ya estaba armado y hubo pues un escenario de 25 mts de frente . Despues de casi tirar abajo el arco por el que tenian que entrar los acoplados a la cancha,(los salvo el chofer al bajar las gomas) pensamos con los jorges que seria buenisimo que ya que habia dos dias de fuelle para la data del evento ,bien podriamos hacerle un techito !! Se me ocurriuo que si armabamos una estructura de hierro y ya que Pistocci lo habia convencido a Agustin Amat de donar unos rollos de tela con dos arcos atabamos las telas adelante y atras y LISTO! ... Hubo un monton de gente que ayudo a amarrar las telas ,primero entre si y despues a la ridicula estructura que habiamos conseguido armar con los fierros soldados por algun amigo de Jorge Kak. Le pusimos hasta techo!! Terminamos de amarrar todo casi sobre la hora de la apertura Todo estaba sorprendentemente en su lugar, hasta que ya empezado el festival,el viento comenzo a soplar, y las estructuras a DOBLARSE los tachos de Quaranta estaban colgados de ahi!! KKKKK En ese momento me parece que estaban tocando los MIA atamos unas trinchetas en la punta de unas cañas y Cou Gabriel y yo nos pusimos a tajear el techito para que el viento pasase sin embolsarse,y dejara de hacer fuerza, los del publico aplaudian ,supongo por que pensaban que era parte del espectaculo !!! Al rato sacamos los trapos y despues todo fue relativamente tranqui. salvo lo de la monona que la realida fue que EL policia que habia le rogo a Gabriel (el chileno) que la tapase por que sino hasta el iba en cana!!y cuando el candombe de los La Fuente levanto la ´polvareda y aparecieron los gendarmes, pero eso ya lo tenes que recordar vos ... en fin ... Cuando vaya a Baires paso a por un brindis con vos ABRAZON ! (1) @Boris Krygel fue uno de los que aportaron para que Pan Caliente se pudiera editar brindando no sólo ahorros sino toda la onda... The collective dusting of La Fuente at the Pan Caliente Festival, a flare of freedom in the darkest night by Jorge Senno Pan Caliente fue una idea de Jorge Pistocchi, que se fue del Expreso Imaginario por disidencias ideológicas (no estaba de acuerdo que una revista como el Expreso sea a la vez productora de espectáculos) y fundó una revista llamada "Zaff, la revista del tiempo que no llegó. Los editores de Zaff!! se imaginaban otra revista. De hecho publicaban aquellas revistas amarillas y otra de golf. Y cuando murió John Lennon le pidieron que haga un especial de urgencia que chorrease sangre... No era de Jorge aprovecharse de las circunstancias y ese fue el fin de Zaff!! Pescador de editores, Jorge convencía con el ejemplo. Lo importante era comunicar, comunicar un sueño... Y así fue como un jugador de fútbol del Club San Telmo, Julio Balbi que tenía una imprenta y Boris Krygel, que de editaores no tenían nada pero de buena onda.... mucha. Así nació Pan Caliente, un delirio total. Desde su formato a su anarquía. Una revista que llegó a tocar fondo y que hizo un festival donde participaron los principales músicos de la época. Se llamo el "Festival Pan Caliente para sacar una idea adelante". Pero no alcanzó. Una gigantesca falsificación de entradas (era todo muy ingenuo y las entradas tan toscas que alcanzaba una fotocopia para hacerla real) hizo que a pesar de llenar el estadio Excursionistas los fondos no aparecieran. Pero inclaudicable Jorge inició una segunda etapa con el editor de "El Porteño". Lo nombro? Bueno, lo nombro Gabriel Levinas. Levinas, Lanata, que fueron con el correr de los años girando hacia la derecha descarnada. "De jovenes todos fuimos comunistas" era una frase hecha pero real en estos casos. Pero Jorge se mantenía en sus sueños y no los abandonó hasta su fallecimiento el 28 de setiembre del 2015. Pobre como siempre lo fue. monona The nakedness of Monona, the needle-heeled mummy for um um "With the prettiest legs, the prettiest legs I've ever seen..." Era un sábado soleado, era un festival en un predio, eran las polleras hindúes, éramos lindas chicas con transparentes blusas de bambula y sandalias de cuero trenzado, eran los chicos de morrales y barba, éramos tan zurdos, éramos tan hippies, éramos tan jóvenes.... La historia me la acuerdo más o menos así: Jorge Pistocchi, un periodista del Expreso Imaginario, sacaba una revista llamada Pan Caliente. Gran revista: Egberto Gismonti, ecología, anarcos alemanes, como hacer pan casero, los rolling stones, la poesía de Ginsberg. Yo la compraba. No fue un record de ventas, ni la gente se agolpaba en los kioscos de revistas esperando su salida.En esa época –hablo de enero del año 1982, hablo de ese año atroz donde muchos de nuestros amigos se morirían de hambre, de frío o de balas en la guerra más estúpida del mundo por dos islas de mierda, copadas a fuerza de balcón y vaso de whisky en la mano y peleada por niños que salían del colegio a enfrentar a la armada invencible con un fusil de juguete en la mano- el año empezaba, y aún no era una mierda.Con Gustavo y amigos fuimos a Excursionistas de Belgrano a la tarde.Pan Caliente estaba en peligro, y Gustavo en esa época andaba de amigo con el Coco Romero, hoy master de murga en el Centro Cultural Ricardo Rojas pero por aquellos días un flaco muerto de hambre percusionista de una banda llamada La Fuente que tenía temas llamados “La Vaca” (era la época de la metáfora, entiendan que los militares gobernaban), “Huayno” y “Carnavalito”. Había que hacer el aguante.Anduvieron por allí desde Lito Nebbia hasta los Abuelos de la Nada (recién llegados de Ibiza, lisérgicos, con corbatas....a puro tomatazo!), los MIA (con Lito Vitale lleno de cabello y 17 años), Alberto Muñoz (tremendo poeta), un adolescente y ya gordito Lerner (horrible!) y, también virando a lo boludo, Piero (aún no con Prema, pero ya mezclando el “Para el pueblo lo que es del pueblo/ porque el pueblo se lo ganó/ para el pueblo lo que es del pueblo/ para el pueblo revolución” con el “Tranquilo, manso y tranquilo...” y la gente –éramos 5000 coloridos – que amenazaba comerlo con ketchup al ex revolucionario actual tirador de claveles). Pero eso es pura anécdota: déjenme contarles lo más loco de aquella jornada. Porque nosotros fuimos a ver a Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota, banda a la que seguíamos hacía un tiempo en unos shows que daban en teatros alquilados en San Telmo. No recuerdo como conocí a los Redondos: es la verdad. Tal vez fue por el Mufercho, el que cocinaba los redonditos de ricota comestibles y una torta verde que guardaba 6 meses en una lata de pan dulce en su casa de Wilde. Tal vez por Symms, que se rodeaba de niños como nosotros para que le paguemos la ginebra y contar anécdotas de los 60 en su mesa del Británico. O a lo mejor por Skay, eterno guitarrista de anteojos negros que caminaba siempre las librerías de Corrientes y charlaba entre fernet y fernet de sus experiencias comunitarias en los 70 en La Plata (nosotros tomábamos chocolate en la Giralda, y lo escuchábamos maldiciendo no haber nacido diez años antes). No recuerdo como los conocí, pero yo estaba en el campo de Excursionistas para ver y escuchar a Los Redondos. Estaban Marcelo Rubio, Laura C. (hoy capa psi en Francia), Todaro (que sacó la foto, y ahora trabaja para Mc Donalds y otros), Carolina (meteoróloga, vive en USA), el enano Adrián, Willy Crook (bellísimo, con las petacas asomando del bolsillo), Daniel Melingo, unos heavys hinchando por rock'n'roll –entiendan que en el 82 había dos o tres recitales por año, y todos convivíamos en desarmonía-, el Indio Solari que aún caminaba en el césped de una cancha, Ricardo Mollo –que tocaba en MAM y tenía unas niñas pequeñitas- y toda una caterba de futuros próceres del rock'n'roll, del psicoanálisis, de la política, de la literatura. Estábamos todos y entonces subieron ellos... “Viejo Caryl Chessman, viejo Caryl Chessman, / respira otra vez / ya llegó la hora lubrica tus branquias / respira otra vez/ Viejo Caryl Chessman gritaba enfurecido / ¡Un tal Brigitte Bardot!” Qué contarles de los Redondos de aquella época, amigos.... El Indio tenía pelo y aún era maestro de chicos con discapacidad (sordos, me parece). Skay estaba igual de flaco, siempre con los anteojos negros, contorsivo, sonriente... Poly era la manager y era muchoooo más grande que nosotras, más hippie, más capa... Lo interesante de los Redondos, además de lo musical, era el séquito ricotero, lo que se perdió –además de la vida de Walter Bulacio, pero esa es otra crónica- en los 90s. Estaba el Doce, o docente, ex preso de Devoto (está en el libro de Elias Neuman sobre el motín del 78), estaba el tremendo Enrique Symms lejos de la Cerdos, cerca de la ginebra, con monólogos que podían durar una hora hasta que la negra Poly se pudría y lo mandaba a bajar a los tirones, o arrastrando sus huesos ya cuarentones, estaba el Mufercho, cocinero amateur que inventó la receta de los redonditos de ricota y lo ricos que eran, y estaba striptisera, cuerpo musculoso, cara de mil ángulos.... Ella.... Y el Indio, en esos días parecido a Tom Waits a fuerza de carraspera aguardentosa, arrancó con el "Monona Blues" y ella subió de momia y su amiga María Isabel la fue dejando en pelotas y no crean los ojos de los pibitos y el estupor de las niñas de trenzas en el pelo y vestimenta colorida. La tipa mostraba los pelos del pubis, dos tetas como conos de helado y se montaba en taco aguja cuando por eso que se conoce como “histeria colectiva” desde el campo comenzó una silbatina, volaban objetos, subía la cana y Jorge Pistochi trataba de que no hubiera lesionados y la negra Poly, con la cara ancestral se peleaba con la cana y le decía que lo dejen a Pistochi en paz, que él no sabía lo que iba a pasar, y que si alguien iba en cana ella era la primera. Permítanme una analogía: si en el siglo XXI el transgresor del rock es el Pitty Alvarez, en los '80 y con dictadura un show de rock en el que una mina terminaba en pelotas era la respuesta desesperada de un estallido que estaba ahí nomás pero que no sabía hacerse escuchar. Monona terminó su show y se bajó, los canas al costado del escenario supervisaron que no acontecieran mas actos reñidos contra la moral, los Redondos terminaron con "Mariposa Pontiac" y nosotros caminando hasta una pizzería a comer sándwiches de queso con cerveza fría, aún conmovidos, aún atónitos, sin saber que estábamos en los albores de una época cultural impresionante, donde algún amigo se nos moriría por la estupidez de una dictadura que se caería a pedazos, y seríamos siluetas, seríamos grito, seríamos punks, heavys, modernos, darks, redondos... Fuente: This photo, unpublished until today, was a gift from its author, Jorge Todaro, to our editor in those happy days. In the foreground Monona naked. And in the background, still wearing some clothes, in a pose almost identical to the photo above. The anecdote tells that Todaro had liquidated his roll, but he shot just the same, just in case. The result is in sight MEDIA

  • Multimedia | Orejas al Universo

    Spinetta, el video, Fontova Presidente, Lalo Mir en Movil 8, Miguel Abuelo en un disco solista y mucho mas... 8 horas con los discos que cumplen 50 años.. . (clic sobre la foto) 10 horas recorriendo el período mas oscuro de nuestra historia a través de la música 12 horas para conocer un vida y obra de un personaje fundamental en la historia del rock nacional En el primer semestre del 2022, Orejas contó con la colaboración de Martín Perez, Pablo Seoane, Alfredo Rosso y Claudio Kleiman que hablaron... de lo que querían! Fascinado por la música de las series, Orejas dedicó el segundo cuatrimestre del 2022 a rescatar los mejores temas musicales del streaming Todos los sábados de 15 a 17 en AM 750, Orejas es corresponsal de Alfredo Rosso en La Trama Celeste.

  • La Década Del 70 | Orejas Al Universo | Argentina

    Recorremos exhaustivamente la música de la década del setenta hasta 1974 (continuará) a traves de 19 programas para escuchar o descargar. Ancla 1 Ancla 2 The 70's 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1970 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 70-2 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 70-3 70-4 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 1971 71-1 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 71-2 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 71-3 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 71-4 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 1972 72-1 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 72-2 72-3 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 1973 73-1 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 73-2 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 73-3 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 73-4 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 1974 74-1 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 74-2 74-3 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 74-4 to be continue

  • PERSONAJES | Orejas al Universo

    En los podcasts de Orejas al Universo encontraras muchos personajes a través de la música: Artaud, Capusotto, Greta Thunberg, Badía, Lalo Mir, Víctor Jara, Martin Scorsese y más inicio personajes Superman Mart 1 Conversando con Martín, una historia gay 00:00 / 01:04 In this program the musicians sing to sex. We warn because it may affect the sensitivity of some people. Do not say that we did not warn. They warm you up Aguaturbia, Grindhouse, Hakuna Tanaka, James Brown, Juliana Hatfield, Kraftwerk, Led Zeppelin, Lito Vitale/Pedro Aznar. Los Prisioneros, Luis Alberto Spinetta, Martín Buscaglia, Pescado Rabioso, Peter Gabriel, PJ Harvey, Prince, Rammstein, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Santana, Ska-P, Soda Stereo, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and Yoko Ono October 2021 dC Especial David Crosby 00:00 / 01:04 keep listening and browse other pages El 19 de enero de 2023 anunciaron el fallecimiento de David Crosby, uno de las figuras más importantes de la música de Estados Unidos y a quien el Dr. Orejas le profesaba una gran admiración. Integrante de The Byrds; Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young y de excelentes discos solistas, Orejas al Universo le dedica este programa especial. Queen La Queen Elizabeth II 00:00 / 01:04 September 2022 keep listening and browse other pages Cantilo 1 Miguel Cantilo 00:00 / 01:04 2 Miguel Cantilo 00:00 / 01:04 3 Miguel Cantilo 00:00 / 01:04 4 Miguel Cantilo 00:00 / 01:04 keep listening and browse other pages July 2021 artaud keep listening and browse other pages 1 Artaud 00:00 / 01:04 2 Artaud 00:00 / 01:04 3 Artaud 00:00 / 01:04 4 Artaud 00:00 / 01:04 May 2016 belen 1 Belén en la Ruta del Blues 00:00 / 01:04 2 Belén en la Ruta del Blues 00:00 / 01:04 3 Belén en la Ruta del Blues 00:00 / 01:04 4 Belén en la Ruta del Blues 00:00 / 01:04 August 2018 keep listening and browse other pages capusotto Diego Capusotto 00:00 / 01:04 keep listening and browse other pages May 2019 catarina 1 Catarina Spinetta 00:00 / 01:04 2 Catarina Spinetta 00:00 / 01:04 3 Catarina Spinetta 00:00 / 01:04 4 Catarina Spinetta 00:00 / 01:04 September 2019 keep listening and browse other pages greta 1 Greta y el Calentamiento Global 00:00 / 01:04 2 Greta y el Calentamiento Global 00:00 / 01:04 3 Greta y el Calentamiento Global 00:00 / 01:04 4 Greta y el Calentamiento Global 00:00 / 01:04 more on this topic en click on the image October 2019 1 Badía y Cía. 00:00 / 01:04 2 Badía y Cía. 00:00 / 01:04 3 Badía y Cía. 00:00 / 01:04 4 Badía y Cía. 00:00 / 01:04 November 2016 badia 1 Lalo Mir 00:00 / 01:04 2 Lalo Mir 00:00 / 01:04 3 Lalo Mir 00:00 / 01:04 4 Lalo Mir 00:00 / 01:04 February 2021 lalo mir 1 Los Simpsons 00:00 / 01:04 2 Los Simpsons 00:00 / 01:04 3 Los Simpsons 00:00 / 01:04 4 Los Simpsons 00:00 / 01:04 October 2016 simpsons jara 1 Víctor Jara 00:00 / 01:04 2 Víctor Jara 00:00 / 01:04 3 Víctor Jara 00:00 / 01:04 4 Víctor Jara 00:00 / 01:04 December 2020 sergio 1 Sergio Aisenstein 00:00 / 01:04 2 Sergio Aisenstein 00:00 / 01:04 3 Sergio Aisenstein 00:00 / 01:04 4 Sergio Aisenstein 00:00 / 01:04 April 2019 mama 1 Mamá 00:00 / 01:04 2 Mamá 00:00 / 01:04 3 Mamá 00:00 / 01:04 4 Mamá 00:00 / 01:04 October 2016 scorsese 1 Martin Scorsese 00:00 / 01:04 2 Martin Scorsese 00:00 / 01:04 3 Martin Scorsese 00:00 / 01:04 4 Martin Scorsese 00:00 / 01:04 March 2021 5 Martin Scorsese 00:00 / 01:04 6 Martin Scorsese 00:00 / 01:04 7 Martin Scorsese 00:00 / 01:04 8 Martin Scorsese 00:00 / 01:04 March 2021 miguel abuelo 1 Miguel Abuelo 00:00 / 01:04 2 Miguel Abuelo 00:00 / 01:04 3 Miguel Abuelo 00:00 / 01:04 4 Miguel Abuelo 00:00 / 01:04 Listen to Miguel Abuelo's album, clickhere November 2016 chaban 1 Omar Chabán 00:00 / 01:04 2 Omar Chabán 00:00 / 01:04 3 Omar Chabán 00:00 / 01:04 4 Omar Chabán 00:00 / 01:04 June 2015 spector 1 Phil Spector 00:00 / 01:04 2 Phil Spector 00:00 / 01:04 3 Phil Spector 00:00 / 01:04 4 Phil Spector 00:00 / 01:04 August 2015 click to enlarge saborido 1 Saborido 00:00 / 01:04 2 Saborido 00:00 / 01:04 3 Saborido 00:00 / 01:04 4 Saborido 00:00 / 01:04 March 2021 laing 1 Laing 00:00 / 01:04 2 Laing 00:00 / 01:04 June 2015 tato Tato Pavlovsky 00:00 / 01:04 March 2013 Alfonsin + politics Carlitos 1 El Rock en tiempos de Carlitos 00:00 / 01:04 2 El Rock en tiempos de Carlitos 00:00 / 01:04 3 El Rock en tiempos de Carlitos 00:00 / 01:04 4 El Rock en tiempos de Carlitos 00:00 / 01:04 September 2016 Macri 1 Macri 00:00 / 01:04 2 Macri 00:00 / 01:04 3 Macri 00:00 / 01:04 4 Macri 00:00 / 01:04 May 2018 1 Trump 00:00 / 01:04 2 Trump 00:00 / 01:04 3 Trump 00:00 / 01:04 4 Trump 00:00 / 01:04 May 2016 Trump Quinto Beatle El Quinto Beatle 00:00 / 01:04 June 2019 Donoso Leonardo Donoso 00:00 / 01:04 May 2016

  • Mayo 2024 | Orejas al Universo

    Orejas 2024 Mayo 2024 Tercer capítulo de esta payada musical. Recibimos la visita del cantautor PEDRO CONDE. Además: Paul Motian con Bill Frisell y Joe Lovano, Patti Smith, Eleonora Eubel, Charly García, Toi Killers, The Beatles, Spinetta, Marcelo Moscovici, Esteban Klisich, Writhing Squares, Carmen Guzman, Ten Years After, Derek Bailey & Ruins, Chubby Checker, Hans Reichel y un tal Bob Dylan. Toda una ensalada con miles de sabores nuevos y otros conocidos en el nuevo formato de Orejas al Universo con 2 (dos) horas de duración. Nos trasladamos por Zoom Airlines a la frontera entre Francia y Suiza para entrevistar a Sebastián Volco, (mas info) el músico argentino que creó la Orquesta Metafísica, La Trova de Fin de Siglo y ahora gira intensamente por Europa. (Ver más). Aparte mucho jazz y rock, bah, música de la mejor, con Neil Young, Guigou Chenevier & Nick Dikovsky, R.E.M, Bill Frisell, The Doors, Tom Jobim, Miguel Abuelo, Andres Bedó, The Rolling Stones, Jimmy Giuffre, Green Day, Bob Dorough, John Mayall y Henry Threadgill Pedro Conde Volco programa 5 "Orejas Al Universo sigue confrontando los gustos de dos roqueros muy eclécticos, Ralph y Claudio, cada uno con su mundo sonoro único y contradictorio. Dos horas de idas y vueltas por el globo musical, de un extremo a otro, de un género a muchos otros. Como si realmente pudiéramos abrir nuestra cabeza al universo, más allá del gusto más personal, ese que decide lo que escuchás cuando tenés que meter la púa en el surco. Y claro que no será siempre amable la audición, a veces tendremos que aceptar un trago amargo, de esos que nos comemos sin desearlo cada día. El punto es: ¿estamos preparados para oír lo inimaginable? ¿O vamos a seguir esperando degustar lo que la maquinaria lava-cerebros decide que consumamos? Bancate esta porción de reflexiones sonoras de parte de un programa sin compromisos con ningún vendedor de promesas ni globos de colores. Tan sólo te ofrecemos la música que amamos." Botón Home Abril 2024 Junio 2024 Botón

  • LO INTANGIBLE | Orejas al Universo

    Ancla 1 In this section we have things that are intangible like love and tangible like a hammer. Difficult at times to define, but we tried beyond the confusion of Mr. Orejas. Dios & Roll Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 Many musicians pass through Mr. Orejas' Library, choose a book and sing to it. THE LORD OF THE RINGS (JRR Tolkien): Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and Joni Mitchell / THE BIBLE: Vox Dei / MARTIN FIERRO (José Hernández): Juana Molina / 1984 (George Orwell): David Bowie, Redondos de Ricota, Radiohead, Dead Kennedy and Anti-Flag / ALICE IN WONDERLAND (Lewis Carroll): The Great Society, Aerosmith, Seru Girán and The Beatles / LOLITA (Vladimir Nabokov): Billy Bond and The Police THE TELL-TELL HEART (Edgar Allan Poe): Soda Stereo / THE ILIAD (Homer): Cream and Suzanne Vega / THE OPEN VEINS OF LATIN AMERICA (Eduardo Galeano): Los Fabulos Cadillacs - INSOMNIA (Jorge Luis Borges): Pedro Aznar / THE GRAPES OF WRATH (John Steinbeck): Bruce Spingsteen November 2021 Biblioteca 1 Dios & Roll 00:00 / 01:04 2 Dios & Roll 00:00 / 01:04 3 - Dios & Roll 00:00 / 01:04 4 Dios & Roll 00:00 / 01:04 January 2019 Amistad 1 - La Amistad 00:00 / 01:04 2 La Amistad 00:00 / 01:04 3 - La Amistad 00:00 / 01:04 4 La Amistad 00:00 / 01:04 July 2017 Amor 1 Todo lo que necesitas es AMOR 00:00 / 01:04 2 Todo lo que necesitas es AMOR 00:00 / 01:04 3 Todo lo que necesitas es AMOR 00:00 / 01:04 4 Todo lo que necesitas es AMOR 00:00 / 01:04 March 2015 Mentira La Mentira 00:00 / 01:04 December 2019 Sur 1 Sueños al Sur 00:00 / 01:04 2 Sueños al Sur 00:00 / 01:04 3 Sueños al Sur 00:00 / 01:04 4 Sueños al Sur 00:00 / 01:04 December 2019 norte 1 Sueños al Norte 00:00 / 01:04 2 Sueños al Norte 00:00 / 01:04 3 Sueños al Norte 00:00 / 01:04 4 Sueños al Norte 00:00 / 01:04 December 2019 sonrisas 1 Sonrisas al Universo 00:00 / 01:04 2 Sonrisas al Universo 00:00 / 01:04 3 Sonrisas al Universo 00:00 / 01:04 4 Sonrisas al Universo 00:00 / 01:04 October 2016 diablo 1 El Diablo 00:00 / 01:04 2 El Diablo 00:00 / 01:04 3 El Diablo 00:00 / 01:04 4 El Diablo 00:00 / 01:04 February 2019 Volar 1 Volar 00:00 / 01:04 2 Volar 00:00 / 01:04 3 Volar 00:00 / 01:04 4 Volar 00:00 / 01:04 November 2015 Noel Navidad 1 Liberen a Papa Noel 00:00 / 01:04 2 Liberen a Papa Noel 00:00 / 01:04 3 Liberen a Papa Noel 00:00 / 01:04 4 Liberen a Papa Noel 00:00 / 01:04 December 2015 1 Navidad con el Sr. Orejas 00:00 / 01:04 2 Navidad con el Sr. Orejas 00:00 / 01:04 3 Navidad con el Sr. Orejas 00:00 / 01:04 4 Navidad con el Sr. Orejas 00:00 / 01:04 December 2021 tangible the tangible Cartas 1 Cartas 00:00 / 01:04 2 Cartas 00:00 / 01:04 3 Cartas 00:00 / 01:04 4 Cartas 00:00 / 01:04 August 2021 click to enlarge 1 La Despedida 00:00 / 01:04 2 La Despedida 00:00 / 01:04 3 La Despedida 00:00 / 01:04 4 La Despedida 00:00 / 01:04 It is not that Mr. Orejas is saying goodbye but that at Orejas al Universo we talk about goodbyes. Lionel Messi, Atomic Rooster, Bill Haley, Cypress Hill, Everly Brothers, Fito Páez, Franz Ferdinand, Gustavo Cerati, Jaime Roos, Joan Baez, Joe Bonamassa, Leonard Cohen, Manu Chao, Mavi Díaz, Paul Simon, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, The Doors, Toto La Momposina and his Drums and Charlie Watts _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Setiembre 2021 La Despedida Guitarras 1 Guitarras 00:00 / 01:04 2 Guitarras 00:00 / 01:04 3 Guitarras 00:00 / 01:04 4 Guitarras 00:00 / 01:04 July 2018 bomba 1 Bombas 00:00 / 01:04 2 Bombas 00:00 / 01:04 3 Bombas 00:00 / 01:04 4 Bombas 00:00 / 01:04 click to enlarge July 2021 dinero 1 Dinero 00:00 / 01:04 2 Dinero 00:00 / 01:04 3 Dinero 00:00 / 01:04 4 Dinero 00:00 / 01:04 August 2016 1 Martillo 00:00 / 01:04 2 Martillo 00:00 / 01:04 3 Martillo 00:00 / 01:04 4 Martillo 00:00 / 01:04 September 2020 Martillo Bicicleta Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 April 2021 Telefono 1 Telefono 00:00 / 01:04 2 Telefono 00:00 / 01:04 3 Telefono 00:00 / 01:04 4 Telefono 00:00 / 01:04 March 2016

  • LUGARES | Orejas al Universo

    Chelsea Places Located in New York, the Chelsea Hotel is not just any hotel. Other musicians passed through there Among the best known who passed through Chelsea Keith Richards , Patti Smith , virgil thomson , Dee Dee Ramone de The Ramones , Henri Chopin , John Cale , Edith Piaf , Joni Mitchell , Bob Dylan (wrote on this hotel Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands dedicated to Sarah Dylan ), Janis Joplin , Jimi Hendrix , sid vicious (who killed his partner there), Leonard Cohen , Anthony Kiedis , Bob Marley , and many songs were dedicated to Chelsea. There Arthur Clarke wrote 2001, Mark Twain, Bucovski and many more. Andy Warhol. The list is endless 1 Chelsea Hotel 00:00 / 01:04 2 Chelsea Hotel 00:00 / 01:04 3 Chelsea Hotel 00:00 / 01:04 4 Chelsea Hotel 00:00 / 01:04 December 2021 Bolson 1 De El Bolsón a Athens 00:00 / 01:04 2 De El Bolsón a Athens 00:00 / 01:04 3 De El Bolsón a Athens 00:00 / 01:04 4 De El Bolsón a Athens 00:00 / 01:04 April 2016 Verdulería 1 La Verdulería del Sr. Orejas 00:00 / 01:04 2 La Verdulería del Sr. Orejas 00:00 / 01:04 3 La Verdulería del Sr. Orejas 00:00 / 01:04 4 La Verdulería del Sr. Orejas 00:00 / 01:04 December 2015 Costa Oeste tren Bloque 1 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 2 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 3 00:00 / 01:04 Bloque 4 00:00 / 01:04 A tour of the West Coast in the 60s with Jefferson Airplane, Hot Tuna, Sly and the family Stone, Santana, Spirit, Doobie Brothers, Janis Joplin, Grateful Dead, Love, Electric Prunes, Three Dog Night, Steppenwolf, The Beach Boys, Mamas & the Papas, The Byrds, Country Joe & The Fish, The United States of America, Buffalo Springfield, CSN & The Doors November 2021 Pappo, Sui Generis, Billy Brags, Fleetwood Mac, Alvin Lee, Bob Marley, The The, John Mayall, Pedro Aznar, Phish, Nick Cave, Porcupine Tree, The Paul Butterfield Blues Band, Cat Stevens, Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, León Gieco, Rolling Stones, Ozzy Osbourne, ACDC 1 Un Viaje en Tren 00:00 / 01:04 2 Un Viaje en Tren 00:00 / 01:04 3 Un Viaje en Tren 00:00 / 01:04 1 Un Viaje en Tren 00:00 / 01:04 July 2020 Brasil In November 2018, the second part of thenews of october and half of the program was reserved to shed a tear for our neighbor who, to the astonishment of many, saw how Bolsonaro won the elections. Seen in the distance, the tear turned into crying. Una Lágrima por Brasil 00:00 / 01:04 November 2018 uruguay 1 - Uruguay 00:00 / 01:04 2 - Uruguay 00:00 / 01:04 October 2018

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